by Asha Haridas

Many astrologists suggest the lucky stones on the basis of stars; but it is not sufficient. It has to be based on Sun’s position and Planetary positions. So it is essential that you consult a good astrologist before selection of the Stones.

Introduction: Engagement is a joyous and proud moment for two hearts full of love bonded by ring ceremony. Offering a ring is a unique way of expression of a romantic love. It is independent of the material and cost. Topics Covered

1. Selection

(a) on the basis of Astrology

(b) on the basis of Science

2. Options

(a) Antique

(b) Branded

3. Quality & Credibility

(a) Gold

(b) Diamond

(c) Gem

(d) Platinum

4. Price

(a) Standards

(b) A word of caution

5. Appendix

(a) International Certification Centers

(b) Alternatives to Gem

1. Selection of engagement ring on the basis of Astrology

Many astrologists suggest the lucky stones on the basis of stars; but it is not sufficient. It has to be based on Sun’s position and Planetary positions. So it is essential that you consult a good astrologist before selection of the Stones. Wearing stones not suitable to you may cause undesirable effects. Rings with Navaratna should not be used. e.g. Nobody consumes all the vitamins together; but selects the vitamins depending upon the necessity. Similarly some stones produce good effects for one person while other stones cause evil effects. Select which is suitable for you. It is not advisable to fix more than one stone in a ring. Next comes the selection of metal. Usually stones are embedded on silver rings. You can opt any metal, but silver is cheaper than gold. The stone need not touch the body, but the bottom of the ring should be open so that skin is able to absorb the energy of the stone. The weights of each stone should also be given importance. On the basis of science Selection may be done according to the budget, colours matching with the skin or dress, style and grace.

2. Options Antique rings

These are traditional rings representing status, culture and heritage. It is unique in style, class and grace. Usually the design and art form are selected by customers with the guidance of goldsmith and templates. This may be a pleasant surprise to your loves ones.

Gold rings – Branded, artistically designed rings are available with exclusive sellers. For those who no longer desire the traditional golden yellow, various colored gold rings are available. Such rings are becoming popular. You can choose Sandal Polish, Copper Polish, Mat Polish, Rhodium coated or Tri-colored gold.

Diamond Studded Engagement Rings – The upper class customers find a costlier way to express their affection and love by offering diamond studded rings to their loved ones. You can select pure diamond or diamond like Zirconium. There are colored ones from cheaper varieties like Yellow and Brown to costlier ones like White and Pink.

Gems and Stones – Gems have emerged as a strong contender to gold and Platinum. Belief that gems and stones are linked with luck and health is becoming strong and popular. They are also cheaper than diamond.

3. Quality and Credibility Gold

Hall Mark makes your gold reliable. After the introduction of ‘Caratometer’, it is now easy to check the purity of gold. Credibility is further boosted by the standardization of gold by World Gold Council. Now the Certificates of authenticity is issued along with branded gold ornaments. Now the consumers are quality conscious. Standardization of diamonds and gems is a boon to the purchasers. Four C’s are carefully looked into by consumers before purchase. Four C’s

Cut : – This is the most important one among 4 C’s — because this decides the sparkle or brilliance, which is based on depth of the Stone. It is better to purchase diamond having sufficient depth. The table, the flat part, should be sufficiently big for, this too contributes to the brilliance.

Colour :- The more the whiteness (less yellow) the costlier is the diamond. Colour codes are adopted by Gemological Institute of America, i.e., from D to Z. D,E,F are clear, G to J is colorless; thus moving down to Z which is light yellow. It is always better to view the un-mounted diamond from the top and from all the angles to determine colour and brilliance. But deciding the colour is not easy unless you compare with a standard diamond. Remember that among the colored diamonds, Pink is the costliest, Yellow and Brown the cheapest. Refer internationally accepted colour chart available with the sellers.

Clarity :- The lesser the flaws in a diamond, the better is the diamond. These flaws are natural and GIA has standardized them as given in Appendix. All these flaws are not visible to naked eyes. Beware of filled diamonds, i.e., diamonds having more flaws are filled to increase clarity. These types of diamonds are cheaper. It is preferable to refer any internationally accepted chart available with the sellers.

Carat :- It signifies the weight (1 carat = 200 milligrams). Density varies from diamond to diamond. Hence, for the same weight, size varies from diamond to diamond. So it is imperative to give importance to the weight and not to the size.

Few more tips for buying engagement ring

1. Beware of the fake diamonds and enhanced diamonds. There are synthetic and imitation gems which are manufactured on the basis of soft glass. Further, sellers also assemble stones called doublets or triplets in which two or three sections are fused together and held by a colorless cement.

2. Factors such as four C’s should be given due importance.

3. Good and bad diamond cuts.

4. Check for cracks, bubbles and clouds.

5. View the diamond on a white background from all sides; otherwise, even a yellow diamond may appear to be less yellow.

6. Never check diamonds on U.V. light – GIA reports indicate whether there is fluorescence in diamond., i.e., diamond’s reaction in U.V. light.

7. If there are more than one diamond in a ring, the weight given is the total carat weight ( weight of all diamonds.).

8. Always insist on Certificate Of Authentication by internationally accepted centers. Such certificates, certify the exact grade of the diamond; (the true value of your diamond) and it offers assurance that in case of any repairs, your diamonds can never be fraudulently replaced.

4. Price

This is the tricky part of purchasing a diamond. Diamond Report which gives information on pricing. I recommend not to accept the price if it is not according to the standard.

5. Appendix

International Certification Agencies are :-

1. GIA GTL – Gemological Institute of America Gem Trade Laboratory.

2. AGTA GTC – American Gem Trade Association Gem Testing Center

3. EGL USA – European Gemological Laboratory

4. GII – Gemological Institute of India

5. IGI – Antwerp based International Gemological Institute

List of Original and Cheaper variety of Gems

1. Ruby Star  – Ruby Garnet

2. Pearl  – Moonstone

3. Coral –  Cornelian

4. Emerald  – Jade, Peridot

5. Yellow Sapphire  – Golden Tops

6. Diamond – White Tourmaline, Quartz

7. Blue Sapphire – Lapis Lazuli