Crystal Quartz Facts and Buying Guide

Crystal Quartz Facts and Buying Guide

by Sheweta Dhanuka

In ancient times, it was used for making tools and weapons. And also since many years it is used as ornamental stones and gemstones. All the varieties of this stone are used for creating fascinating carved pieces ideal for decorative purpose. Sculptors of humans and animals made on single stone are treasured a lot by the filthy rich group of people of the society.

Crystal Quartz, the name is derived from two different words. Word crystal is derived from the Greek word krystallos, meaning ‘ice’ while quartz is derived from the Saxon word querklufterz which means “cross vein ore.” In Greek mythology it was belief that crystal quartz is formed from ice thus, named accordingly. It is the symbolic gemstone for the 15th year of the marriage.

It is found in many varieties. While making the purchase, buyer needs to be aware of the general information about the quartz and its different forms. This article proffers the necessary details about the quartz on the broader aspect. It also gives the facts that would act as a buying guide, assisting the buyer in making the genuine purchase of the gemstone. All the common characteristics like 4 Cs, occurrence, precautions, uses etc have been discussed catering to the needs of the buyer.


It is divided into two broad categories viz. Macro crystalline and Cryptocrystalline. Macro crystalline are the larger crystals easily visible by the naked eyes. Few names of this variety are Amethyst, Citrine, Rock crystal, Smoky quartz, Rose quartz. Cryptocrystalline crystals are quite tiny in nature and could be seen through the microscope. Chalcedony, agate, onyx, Sardonyx, jasper and bloodstone are few to mention of this variety. Both these forms are widely used as ornamental stones and gemstones.


It occurs in diverse colours but the prime colour remains clear stone without any colour. The colorless quartz is known as rock crystal. Different varieties of quartz come to being in different colours like cryptocrystalline crystals are multicolored. Few other colored varieties are amethyst is purple, rose quartz is pink, milky quartz is white /cloudy gray and smoky quartz is brown/black/gray.


Crystal quartz is cut into many diverse shapes and styles, as it is a hard and tough stone. Cutters give new creative cut to the stones depending upon the design of the jewelry pieces. Some of the common shapes are round, oval, marquise, square, princess cut, pear and many more. Beads are also made from the rough into different shapes like round, oval and baroque.


It is transparent in nature and possess vitreous luster. It contains inclusions of carbon dioxide and water. Flaws are also the result of the presence of other mineral in traces in the chemical composition of the stone. Thus, without flaws or inclusions, to find an absolutely clear crystal is next to impossible. However, while the initial gemstone processing the necessary measures are taken to minimize the inclusions but the complete elimination of the flaws is not viable. The inclusions are found in geometrical patterns or layered in the natural state.

Carat weight

The macro crystalline variety of quartz occur in large sizes as rough while cryptocrystalline is found in small sizes. After initial gemstone processing and polishing various stones are created of different carat weight. For the jewelry items the most sought carat weight is between 3- 6 ctw. Beads are created in the sizes of 2mm to 8mm. When used as the ornamental stone, the preferred weight is 12-14 ctw.


Wide occurrence makes the price of the gemstone quite affordable for the pockets of the common man. Broadly, the price is determined on the basis of carat weight and clarity.

Clarity and price is directly proportional to each other that is higher the clarity (minimum inclusions and flaws) higher shall be the price and vice versa. Similar proportionality concept exists between the price and carat weight. With the increase in carat weight the price of the stone also increases. The carved pieces made on one single stone are valued most in terms of money.


This alluring beauty is formed deep inside the earth crust when crystallization occurs of two abundant elements viz. silicon and oxygen. It forms total of 12% of the earth crust. Wide variety of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks holds this crystal. These macroscopic crystals universally occur as horizontal hexagonal prisms concluded by a combination of positive and negative rhombohedrons forming six sided pyramids. It is mined naturally.


It is the only mineral found in large quantity around the different locations in the world. Brazil, United States of America, Russia and few African countries yield all the varieties of this crystal. Other notable occurrences are – Amethyst is also procured from Mexico, Uruguay and Canada. Smoky quartz is obtained from Swiss Alps and Scotland. Superior quality of Agate is also produced at Lake Superior region, Montana, Mexico and Germany. Colorless quartz or rock crystal quartz is retrieved from United Kingdoms, Switzerland and Madagascar.

Enhancement and Imitations

Quartz varieties are not enhanced. However, only few gemstones undergo heat treatments to improve the colour. In spite of being found in abundance, it is also produced synthetically in many parts of the world. Silica, a glassy non-crystalline form of crystal is sold as its imitation. The synthetic quartz is also sold under different trade names to mislead the innocent buyers.


In ancient times, it was used for making tools and weapons. And also since many years it is used as ornamental stones and gemstones. All the varieties of this stone are used for creating fascinating carved pieces ideal for decorative purpose. Sculptors of humans and animals made on single stone are treasured a lot by the filthy rich group of people of the society. Some people even like to utilize the originally found rough as a decorative piece in its natural form. Finely cut designer shapes of this stone are used for making striking chandeliers and lampshades. Astonishing bowls and containers are also made out of this crystal that can be used as crockery/utensils and for decorations as well.

Its amazing beauty and affordability makes it very well liked as gemstone. The colorless quartz is commonly used as diamond imitation. Other varieties are widely used for making attractive jewelry items. The ornaments are made of 14K or 18K or 21 K yellow gold and sterling silver. White gold and platinum is used less as the high price of these metals is not well complemented with the monetary worth of the quartz gemstone. All the varieties of quartz are very well paired with other semi precious gemstones such as Peridot, opal, rhodonite etc.

Beads are also prevalently used for making captivating ornaments. These are available in all sizes and shapes. Many females for the casual wear favor beads strung in silver thread with the silver clasp in form of necklaces and bracelets. The ideal length for the necklace is 16-18 inches while for the bracelets it is 7-8 inches, which is further adjustable as per the choice of the wearer.

Apart from these usual uses, it is used as electrical components, radio oscillators, optical lenses, abrasives and building stones. Tiny quartz plates are used in clock and watches for controlling the radio frequency. The crystal quartz is used for healing and offering spiritual guidance. Fortunetellers use large colorless crystal ball for predicting the future. Pyramids and spheres are made which are used as metaphysical objects.


This simple stone rates 7 Mohs on the hardness scale and is considered a tough stone. Hence, it requires only general gemstone precautions and care. The jewelry made up of this stone is not suitable for the daily wear, as it would certainly result in the reduction of the lifespan of the stone. It is hard yet soft to be used for routine activities without giving much attention. It equally needs to be pampered a little bit like other precious and semi precious stones for the retention for the lifetime.


It is believed to offer enhanced mental clarity, emotional stability and positive thoughts to the wearer. It helps in improving the concentration. It also aids in curing the mental disorders like lung disorders, skin problems, circulatory system troubles and respiratory system disorders. It provides relief from pain and strengthens the immune system.

Crystal quartz is the mineral found in loads on the earth crust. It is within the reach of the simple man. For attaining this gemstone, buyers need not have a bulging pocket. And those who seize any inclination towards the precious and semi precious gemstones can surely acquire any of the quartz varieties and satisfy their long prolonging desire to own one of the stones. The possession of the gemstone would offer the owner the true bliss and ecstasy. So just give it a try as it is worth trying!!

Agate Facts and Buying Guide

Agate Facts and Buying Guide

by Sheweta Dhanuka

The variety of colours found is immense yet some common colours are green, yellow, purple, black, orange, brown, red, reddish-brown, white and bluish-white etc. Colour change takes place due to change in the impurities and its content in the chemical composition such as red occurs due to presence of either one of the mineral viz. iron, chromium, cobalt or cooper.

Agate is an innovatively created gemstone by the nature. It belongs to the chalcedony quartz family. It was found thousands of years ago in Achates River in southwestern Sicily that is now know as Dirillo River. The name Agate is derived from the initial name of the river-achates. It is the birthstone for the month of May and anniversary stone for 12th year of marriage.

This is an attractive semi precious gemstone with huge diversity in it. Easy availability, moderate price, good looks etc are few features that make it well liked in the circle of gemstone lovers. It is a simple stone without much specification hitherto general awareness about it is essential while making the purchase. This article provides the all-purpose information that could also be used as buying guide. Agate occurs in many different forms but here only few imperative varieties are mentioned. The characteristics discussed are about Agate as a whole not specific to any one single variety.

Varieties – It is procured in varied forms. To know this gemstone well, one has to be aware of its varieties too. All forms are used as gemstone and ornamental stone. These differ from one another due to the change in impurities in the composition. The varieties are differentiated on the basis of colour of the bands.

Moss Agate: It is a clear stone, green in colour and contains visible impurities. It is also known as Mocha stone. This is the most-sought-after variety. It is considered close to nature and said best suited for those related with agriculture industry. Helps in creating the balance within the sides of brain.

Dendritic Agate: It is black or white in colour. The structure of this form of Agate is that of tree with trunk having big and small branches. It contains manganese oxide impurities that form the fabrications and so on.

Riband Agate : In this gemstone, the bands are broad and appear as straight lines across the gemstone. It is also known as ribbon agate.

Ring Agate : As the name suggests, it comprises of bands in form of concentric circles in varied colours. It is also called as eye agate.

Plume Agate: It is named after its plume like shape. Colour varies from shades of blue, white, yellow and red. United States of America is the primary source for this variety.

Fire Agate: The formation process of this variety is quite distinctive. Like all it is also produced during the volcanic eruption or in basalt. It is layered in one micro-thin layer in vugs from hydrothermal solution at a time. Similarly few more layers are formed then among these layers some reflect light back in the pattern of rainbow giving rise to bubbles and sheets of different colours viz. brilliant blue, red, yellow and green.

Colour – This fascinating gem is available in varied colours. The variety of colours found is immense yet some common colours are green, yellow, purple, black, orange, brown, red, reddish-brown, white and bluish-white etc. Colour change takes place due to change in the impurities and its content in the chemical composition such as red occurs due to presence of either one of the mineral viz. iron, chromium, cobalt or cooper. Black owes its colour to iron and manganese. Green is due to iron, chromium, nickel and copper while blue is because of iron, titanium and cooper. Iron oxide leads to brown, chromium to yellow and manganese to pink and violet as well. Apart from the impurities, colour is also affected by change in temperature, radiation, pressure and weather.

Bands are the distinctive feature of this colourful gemstone. Each and every stone possess concentric bands in different colours and textures. These bands are formed when impurities reacts with the solidifying gel in the volcanic lava at the time of crystallization. Difference in bands occurs because of the variations in the impurities and its content in the composition of the stone. This process is entirely natural therefore no two stones would have similar bands. Furthermore the pattern of bands is irregular. It could be circular, patches or haphazard lines etc.

Clarity – It is vitreous to glassy in luster. Being, translucent or opaque in nature the presence of flaws or inclusions is not of much significance. Moreover, while processing the rough into a gemstone, through cutting and polishing the presence of flaws further becomes unnoticed. In this stone clarity is not much helpful while making the purchase of a genuine stone.

Cut – This trait is very crucial. The end look of the stone is reliant on the cut it is given. The natural bands of stone are enhanced if given the appropriate cut therefore; cutters have to concentrate on the bands while cutting. It is a hard stone thus, it can be given any shape like round, pear, square, emerald and so on.

Carat Weight – In natural state this marvelous gem is found in large and massive form. At the time of preliminary gemstone processing, the rough is cut and polished to create medium and smaller stones of different carat weight. As per one’s pocket one can select the suitable stone of any carat. Gems between 2-4 ctw are apposite for the jewelry items and gives splendid look as well. This weight is neither less nor more and is affordable too. The stones used for creating the ornamental pieces has to be between 4-9 carat or even more.

Price – This awesome gemstone could be acquired easily as it is available at reasonable price. Only few stones with extraordinary bands or scenes are priced more yet affordable. The price is ascertained on the basis of carat weight, cut and bands structure. Price increases with the increase in carat weight. A good cut that highlights the bands enhance the beauty of the gem hence is worth more. Bright stones consisting of unusual and exclusive bands are valued more in terms of money. The sculptures and carved pieces made of one single solid piece are priced higher than those items where more than one stone is used.

Occurrence – It generally occurs as rounded nodules or veins. It comes into existence during the volcanic eruption in the cavities of eruptive rocks or the volcanic lava. After the volcanic eruption, flowing lava starts solidifying then few gas bubbles are trapped in it. These bubbles later are filled with alkali and silica-bearing waters, which set as gel. Then alkali and iron present in the surrounding lava reacts resulting iron hydroxide forming the bands within the gel. Finally, gel looses water and crystallization occurs leaving the bands in one piece. It forms in shallow depth and low temperature.

Source – This colourful gemstone was first mined at Nahe River valley in Germany. Nahe deposits are now said to be exhausted. Today, it is found across the globe. The next larger producers are Brazil and Uruguay. Some other countries proffering agate are Mexico, Egypt, Congo, Italy, India and Nepal. It is generated in immensity at Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana states of USA.

Enhancements – It is porous in nature thus, often artificially stained or dyed to enhance the appearance. Enhancement helps in increasing the net value of the gemstone. The skilled people perform all the treatments and the retention of the changed appearance of the stone lasts for many years.

Imitations – This gemstone comes in many different colours. It is procured quite easily. It is priced moderately still many jewelers sell poor quality stone as agate. Glass agate and Iceland agate are basically poor quality of obsidian that are treated and later sold as agate. Similarly, glass opal stimulant is named as Lake Superior fire agate or Mexican agate and sold at the price of pure agate.

Use – It has jewelry, ornamental and industrial use. Treasured a lot by the lapidaries. Carvings, cameos, intaglios and beads made up of this gemstone cherished by many people. As ornamental use, splendid figures and sculptors are created from large stones. Agate bowls, letter openers, crockery handles, paperweights, bookends and guitar picks are also fairly popular. These are ideal for decorating the house, office and guesthouse etc. Beads are created in striking cabochon shape are used for making exquisite flat or rounded ornaments. Apart from cabochon, other possible shapes are oval, round, baroque and square. The size varies between 1mm to 9mm. Bracelets and necklaces of beads are pretty in demand among the females in almost every corner of the world for casual and professional attire.

Handcrafted jewelry items are made from the well-created stones of different carat weight. Earrings, pendants, broaches and rings made from this gemstone are likes by females in every corner of the globe. It is idyllic for jewelry worn for daily basis. Sterling silver, 18K yellow gold, 18K white gold and platinum are used for making these ornaments. However, silver is used maximum amongst all the accessible metals. The reason being, silver enhances the beauty of the gem more than yellow gold. White gold and platinum are used less because two of these metals are not suitable in the economic terms. For industrial purpose, it is used in the manufacture of grinding equipment.

Precautions – It is rated between 6.5-7 Mohs on the hardness scale. Its hardness rate specifies it as sturdy and long-lasting stone. Therefore, any specific care is not required yet general gemstone precautions are essential for the lifetime retention of the stone. Although the gem is hard and do not requires much care but by taking the precautions the gem and its jewelry would always look as up-to-the-minute.

Beliefs – In ancient times it was used as powerful amulet or talisman to protect the wearer from all dangers and provide necessary strength. European royal families had passion for collecting bowl made up of Agate that can be seen even today in European museums. In past people used to wear it in order to attain the power to overcome the enemies and acquire wealth. Greeks used it for protecting themselves from hazards of sea.
Today astrologers suggest this stone for curing all sleep allied problems like nightmares, bad dreams etc. It is also helps in remedy of insomnia and pancreas turmoil. Blood circulation smoothens by wearing this colour versatile gemstone. Apart from the medical treatments, it creates the balance between the physical, emotional and spiritual state of the wearer. Enhances the analytical ability and improves perceptiveness. It eliminates and cleanses the negative energies from the body.

This multi-faceted gemstone is plain and elegant. It can be worn on different occasions. Try wearing this marvelous gemstone and experience the feeling of eternal joy and happiness. Worth trying !!

Agate Facts

Chemical CompositionIt is silicon dioxide and the chemical formula is SiO2.
ColoursGreen, yellow, purple, black, orange, brown, red, reddish-brown, white and bluish-white.
Refractive Index1.545 – 1.554
Specific Gravity2.57-2.64
LusterVitreous to greasy.
Solid StateTranslucent.
Crystal SystemTrigonal.
Hardness6.5-7 Mohs
BirefringenceWeak, between 0.005-0.009
EnhancementRegularly dyed or stained to improve the colour.
SourceGermany, USA, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Egypt, Congo, Italy, India and Nepal
PrecautionsGeneral gemstone precautions to be taken.

Important Agate Mines In The World

Important Agate Mines In The World


Agate is a hard semi-precious mineral commonly used as an ornament and a gemstone and this is found almost all over the world including places like USA, India, Asia, Brazil, Africa, Germany, Italy, Mexico and Nepal.

agateNature has given the Agate gemstone the most creative of stripes and colors. It is the chalcedony quartz in concentric layers that give it its variety and a range of colors.

Agates get formed when a cavity or a niche in the host rock is filled. Due to this, it is found as a round nodule with rings or concentric bands. These bands sometimes look like scallops or eyes or even form a picture of trees in a landscape. Blue and green are rare colors in agate but for most part, you will find it in a variety of colors.

Sometimes there are tiny quartz crystals that form inside the stone which greatly enhances the magnificence and distinctiveness of individual stones. Known as drusy, these tiny crystals are used by Lapidaries where just the drusy is cut from an agate. The jewelers then use these drusy cabochons as the accent or main stone in their design. Some varieties of agate of this type are moss agate, plume agate and eye agate.

Mining Of Agate

Agate mines are found almost everywhere in the world. But some of the more important mines are found in USA, Russia, Europe and Canada. Let’s start with the mines of South Dakota USA. Agate is part of the gemstone and mineral industry which has grown from strength to strength in recent times. Agate is one of the most well known of all stones in this area. The official stone of South Dakota is the really beautiful Fairbanks agate found in the Black Hills. This stone is characterized by sharp bands that run perfectly parallel to each other. The next place in the USA for agate is Arizona. Here too gemstone production is well developed and while it is peridot and turquoise that lead the way, agate, jasper and some others are of equal importance. Agate deposits are found scattered across Idaho also.

AgateIn Mexico, agates are found primarily in the states of San Luis Potosi and Aguascalientes. They are known for their fire agate and the multicolored fire agates are found in Calville in Aguascalientes. Another very beautiful agate is called the Apache Agate which is characterized by its floating red colors that can be seen in the clear agate. Southeast of the area of Apache agate are the cousins called the Laguna and Coyamito are part of the banded agate groups but the Apache Agate still stands apart from them. Here the bands are not as sharp as other agates found in Mexico.

The two main deposits of agate can be found on the Mexican ranch of Agua Nueva which is located about 20 miles northeast of the Laguna agate deposits in Chihuahua in Northern Mexico. It is situated in front of the far mountain around the corner to the left and through the ravine. One specializes in the vein agate and the other is a nodular agate. The vein agate which is known for its tube formation was mined in 1997 and 1998.

In a remote corner of Chihuahua Mexico one finds the Apache Agate deposits nestled on a ranch about 35 miles southeast of Nuevo Casas Grandes. Winding dirt roads going north through the tiny towns of Malpais and EL Apache, the agate deposits can be seen on a narrow ridge between an arroyo that drains the mountains to the wets and a bigger drain that comes in form the northwest. Till the early 1070s the ridge point was mined by hand and then came the dozer in 1970.

Central European Russia boasts of mines which are along the left bank of the Oka River near Stupino, about 100 km south of Moscow. These are the Prioksky quarry or Golutvin. Here agates in limestone and agates are found.

Germany mined agate in the Nahe River valley which was documented as early as 1497. This brought about the rise of the cutting centre called Idar-Oberstein. Brazil has rich deposits of agate and this was discovered when in the 19th century, the Idar-Oberstein’s cutters exhausted the agate deposits at Nahe and they went on to mine the deposits in Brazil. It lead to a major explore and discover program which brought to light rich deposits of agate, tourmaline, amethyst, citrine, topaz and other gemstones.

In Canada, the Thunder Bay is one of the three places where Agate is found in veins and it is the only agate mine in Canada. But in California, not far form the Palo Verde, tucked away, deep in the Mule Mountains lies the Opal Hill Mine. This mine is famous for its very rare and magnificent fire agate, quartz crystals and opal eggs.

The mine is made up of rock outcrops and holes where the agate has been mined which is quite unlike the mental picture one has of a mine being deep with tunnels and shafts. This mine is privately owned but for a small fee, the public can have a look around. Some effort and some hard work ensured that you come away satisfied with the fiery agate you get to take back with you. Opal hill mine is one of the active mines in the world which is producing the fire agate.