Coral jewelry buying guide

Coral jewelry buying guide

by Preeti Sharma

The coral that is suitable for jewelry is not generally formed in reefs. It is found in small branch-like structures. It can be seen as the skeletal remains of the marine animals or the polyp corallicum. The most worthful coral is the noble red, also called corallicum rubrum. A typical and unique feature of precious corals is that they have a wonderful polish.

Coral jewelry is exciting to wear. With distinct look and features from Gold, Platinum or Silver jewelry, coral jewelry has become popular quite fast. But don’t get carried away with the luster. Pause…hold back. Before you enter the market to buy your choice of coral jewelry designs, we have some important tips from the coral jewelry buying guide.

All That You Need To Know Before You Buy Coral Jewelry

Coral Jewelry-What is Coral?

girl with coral necklaceCoral seems to be an excellent choice for jewelry. But, have you ever thought that where from coral comes actually? Coral is a sea product that grows in branches, which look much like dwarf underwater trees. In the whole cycle of making of coral, a marine gelatinous animal collects calcium carbonate around its body. It is a polyp made of calcite fibrous crystals.

The polyps then create a branch like shape, built in the shape of hollow tubes fitted in one another. This makes for a sort of axial skeleton upon which the boneless coral polyps grow. They thrive a colony of their own and create the coral. A fully-grown coral remains covered with lime, barnacles, and salt.

How To Select The Real Coral?

The coral that is suitable for jewelry is not generally formed in reefs. It is found in small branch-like structures. It can be seen as the skeletal remains of the marine animals or the polyp corallicum. The most worthful coral is the noble red, also called corallicum rubrum. A typical and unique feature of precious corals is that they have a wonderful polish.

The appearance of Calcareou Coral can range from semi translucent to opaque. Its color can go from light to dark pink and then to dark red. It is also found in white, orange and cream colors and also in purple and blue at times. The appearance of other variety of coral, Conchiolin Coral, can range from semi translucent to opaque. It is found in gray, black, yellow and dark brown colors.

The Calcareous coral has hardness of -3 1/2 to 4 and fair toughness. While the Conchiolin coral has hardness of 3 and good toughness. Both the varieties of coral have glass like waxy to vitreous polish luster.

There are many common enhancements that are done on coral that spoil their natural qualities. Dyeing the calcareous coral deepens and at times changes the color and saturation with epoxy. The dying will then hide cracks at the surface and make it fill with cavities in the low quality of Coral. It is a quite common practice that cheats the coral customers.

Stay Away From Coral Simulants

Coral JewelryYou also have to be careful in picking the right coral. Must buyers of coral end up in getting some other materials that are used to imitate the natural coral. There are all the chances for you to be mistaken with Plastic, man made Coral, Howlite, Shell, Ivory, Onyx/Calcite and Fossil Ivory as Coral. For Conchiolin Coral, the materials like plastic, Chalcedony and Jet are used for imitation.

The physical look of the carbonate type of Coral is that it flaunts a distinct pattern of parallel stripes with a little different colour and transparence. The Glass simulants of the coral lacks the ideal structure of coral. They have a glassy luster and tend to have bubbles. The glass simulants can also display conchoidal fracture. The plastics simulants of Coral also do not have coral the structure and can possibly show molding lines. You can detect the shell simulants by their layered structure. It displays fine rippled lines on its surface.

How To Test The Real Coral

There are some facts and qualities about the real coral that you should keep in mind. The best coral should have a deep natural color. It is found in a standard (round or oval shape) and finished surface. The perfect coral does not have any dents or holes or perforations. It is smooth to touch.

You can do some tests to identify the real coral. Place the real coral in a glass of cow’s milk. If the color of milk will change to the one with red tinge, the coral is real. The imitation coral cannot change the milk’s whiteness. Another interesting test you can carry out is by actually wearing it. A true coral changes its color as per the physical health of the wearer. It will resume its original color when the physical health of the person is restored. But, it will fade out prior to the disorder in the wearer’s physical health is evident.

The Famous Market Places Of Coral

It is difficult to find all the ideal conditions for the making of coral, such as right depth, intensity and temperature at one place. This is the reason there are less places in the world that provide best quality of coral. The best quality coral can be found in the southern Ireland, Madeira, Bay of Biscay, Canaries, Mauritius, Cape de Verde Islands, Japan, Hawaii, Australia, Mediterranean, Red Sea, Malay Archipelago and in the Japanese waters. Italy is the place that is considered the center of coral jewelry making. In Italy, Torre del Greco, near Naples is the place where the best quality of coral jewelry is made. You can buy a lot of jewelry designs of Coral, such as beautiful earrings, pendants, brooches, rings, tie bars, cuff links, belt buckles, pillboxes and inlaid jewelry boxes.

The Colors Of Coral

You can buy Coral in a great variety of colours that range from Dark Red, Pink, White, Spotted Pink, Orange, Blue, Violet, Black and Golden Brown. Each coral color has its own unique quality. Black coral is exotic and dramatic to look and rare to find. It is considered as a guard against misfortune for a long time now. When polished, the black coral shines with beautiful luster.

Pink Coral is delicate found in utmost quantity in the entire length of Hawaiian chain. It is very dense and solid. The shaded colors in the large pink corals are the gem’s natural qualities. The value of pink coral depends on its rarity. The precious Red Coral is revered high since the early civilizations for its beautiful color, texture and luster. It is found in ocean depths of about 500 to 1,000 feet. Its rate of growth is very slow, only about 1/4 inch each year. This makes the red coral really highly treasured and prized.

Blue Coral is thought to be in the initial stage of disintegration. This color generally expands only below the surface. It is an unusual variety found off in Cameroon. Hawaiian Gold Coral is rare by far. Its color tone ranges from sandy beige color to complete black. On the off side of Maui in Hawaii, this exquisite variety of coral is found with resin or lacquered texture. The only company in the world that creates jewelry from Hawaiian Gold Coral is Maui Divers.

The Law That Concerns Your Purchase Of Coral Jewelry

Only the corals that grow slow and live long are selected for jewelry and other ornamental purposes. The intensive collection of reefs threatens them. If you wish to buy the coral jewelry from overseas, it is important to make sure that you find out if you should take a CITES permit. When you are buying it at home, always enquire from the retailer whether the coral is imported with required CITES permit.

As a buyer, you should first obtain the scientific (Latin) name present in the Control List of the coral. Check whether CITES regulates it or not. CITES regulates all hard corals. If it is a CITES species, the buyer requires a CITES export permit that the exporting country issues. Make sure that the coral producer obtains the CITES permit for you before your order your coral jewelry.

To conclude, be very alert when you go off to buy the coral jewelry you like. Remember the guiding tips above to get the best deal. Happy Shopping!

Aquamarine jewelry buying guide

Aquamarine jewelry buying guide

by Theresa Smith

Apart from reading as much about Aquamarine jewelry as you can, you should also take every opportunity to handle good jewelry. Knowing what to look for when buying Aquamarine jewelry will ensure that your money is well spent. Examine the work of well-known jewelry-craftsman and study the different designs.

Aquamarine Jewelry – Few facts

Aquamarine – the very name of this popular gemstone evokes mental images of the ocean’s splendor and vitality. This gem – composed of the mineral beryllium aluminum silicate – is pale greenish blue in color. It is said to have mystical powers and healing properties hence it being regarded as the universal symbol of youth, hope and health. While stones come in a range of colors the ideal color of Aquamarine is a refreshing pastel sea blue.


aquamarine jewelryStones with a clear blue color – without green or gray – are generally the most valuable. Though almost all gemstones contain some degree of blemishes, the highest quality Aquamarine is transparent, with no internal flaws or external imperfections. Aquamarine is a hard durable stone (7.5 to 8), which makes it a good choice for jewelry that is worn frequently like rings; and is readily available in larger sizes. It is especially dramatic when cut in a rectangular or oval shape, with facets, many angled sides or cut as a cabochon – a smooth dome without facets.


A good cut displays an Aquamarine’s depth of color and liveliness while revealing the fewest imperfections. Aquamarine is found mainly in Brazil, Nigeria, Zambia, Madagascar and Ukraine. Focus on the details Apart from reading as much about Aquamarine jewelry as you can, you should also take every opportunity to handle good jewelry. Knowing what to look for when buying Aquamarine jewelry will ensure that your money is well spent. Examine the work of well-known jewelry-craftsman and study the different designs. Cultivate an expert eye by examining the piece from every perspective. Focus on the details such as the overall finish; check the quality of the stones and whether the stones have been set straight.


Does the piece show signs that it has been damaged or repaired? Are the gemstones clean and free of scratches? Closely examine the color of the Aquamarine gemstones and the carat weight, which are key determining factors in assessing the value of the piece. Be especially critical when studying the design of the item. Ask questions like whether the style can be attributed to the period in which it was made, is the design balanced and proportioned, does it have eye appeal; and is it wearable? It may be beneficial to acquire some background knowledge from books to identify typical style trademarks, for example, Art Nouveau.

It is also a good idea to wear the piece of jewelry before buying it to ensure it hangs right and is comfortable to wear. Bear in mind the ‘demand value’ of a jewelry piece if you are a collector. While identifying a piece that is highly sought or rare certainly affects its value, it is wise to be thoroughly acquainted with the market before investing in unusual jewelry pieces. Though the size of Aquamarine jewelry is dictated by fashion trends, collectors generally favor larger items. Albeit, buyer guidelines should at times be dismissed in favor of purchasing jewelry purely because the piece appeals to personal taste and passion.

Aquamarine jewelry caring tips:

To protect Aquamarine jewelry from damage and the risk of it losing color if left in direct sunlight, it is essential that the gemstone be cleaned at regular intervals and stored safely in a dark place when not worn. The clarity of the stone is maintained by immersing it in ultrasonic jewelry cleaner or lukewarm soapy water and cleaned with a soft bristle brush. Special care should be taken not to subject the jewelry to extreme temperature changes, or situation where it can get scratched or knocked. Storage in a jewelry case is recommended.

Buyers guide for Aquamarine engagement rings

Buyers guide for Aquamarine engagement ring

by Madhubanti_Rudra

Aquamarine as a stone for engagement ring has become a rage among the young and stylish new generation couples who would choose a piece of jewellery which is comfortable to wear and at the same time speaks of individualistic style

The grand celebration of tying the knot begins right with the engagement ceremony. The unwritten social contract between the families of the bride and groom that is the essence of engagement ceremony is surfaced through the exchange of rings between the couple. the aquamarine ring which is probably the most emotional piece of jewellery in one’s possession is a symbolic representation of eternity. Life long commitment towards one’s spouse finds its expression through this oldest ornament of the mankind.

World Famous Aquamarine Gems and Jewelries

World Famous Aquamarine Gems and Jewelries

by Madhubanti Rudra

Brazil is the chief source of producing the world famous and finest quality aquamarines. Aquamarines also occur in some places in Africa, especially in Mozambique. They are distinguished from the “Santa Maria” category by the name “Santa Maria Africana”.

Since the beginning of human history, the colorful world of gem stones fascinated mankind. Rich-poor alike were enthralled by their breath taking beauty. The mighty and powerful – they always wanted more and more of them. The emperors, the conquerors, the pirates – time and again they made expeditions to the remotest corners of the earth, thomped the seven seas, stirred the whole planet in search of the rarest and the costliest of its kind. All these opened up the casket of huge treasure hidden in the womb of mother nature. The tradition of these adventures continues also in the modern days.Only, the world famous geological scientists replaced the kings and pirates. Then, in addition to the traditional favourites like diamond, emerald or ruby, the semi precious stones like, amethyst or aquamarine caught their attention in a large way. Especially aquamarine with its azure hue swept the admiration of the modern world of 21st century. According to the legends, aquamarine, which originated in the treasure chaste of the mermaids, symbolizes love and loyalty. Presence of iron lends the blue tone to this beryl group gem, which is available in a range of blue shades, from pale to a greenish blue to a dark blue. The shades in aquamarine depend on the places of their origin and these two factors together command the value of the stone. Brazil is the chief source of producing the world famous and finest quality aquamarines. The world market of rough aquamarine crystals is dominated by this South American country. Among world’s most famous aquamarines, “Santa Maria” occupies the premier position.

It is characterized by an intensely deep blue hue, which is very rare. They are found in the Santa Maria de Itabira mine in Brazil. They are very much high priced and regarded as a collector’s delight. Similar coloured aquamarines also occur in some places in Africa, especially in Mozambique. They are distinguished from the “Santa Maria” category by the name “Santa Maria Africana”. Another category of Brazilian aquamarine named “Espirito Santo” acquired worldwide repute. They are not so intensely blue as the Santa Maria. “Martha Rocha” Which has been named after a Brazilian beauty queen also displays a unique blue colour. From time to time, large aqua crystal of high quality has been collected from the huge Brazilian mines. For example, in 1910, a 110.5 Kg crystal was mined at Marainba, Minas Gerais. Another famous big stone was, “Dom Pedro”. It weighed 26 Kg, and was cut in 1992 by Idar-Oberstein gemstone artiste Bernd Munsteiner. Till date it is the largest ever cut aquamarine.

There is a 911 CT aquamarine from Brazil which is displayed in Smithsonian museum in Washinton DC in the Hall of Gems, along with other famous gems as the Hope diamond. Another well formed aquamarine crystal was found in Brazil in 1920 that weighed 243 lbs. It was 19/16 inchs., greenish on the outside blue on the inside and so transparent that objects were clearly visible through its length. The British museum of Natural History has a flawless aquamarine of 879 Cts., and the Los Angels Country Museum Of Natural History has a fine 638 CT stone. In 1935 the Brazilian government gave Eleanor Roosevelt a, 1847 CT aquarine. It is now in the museum of Hyde Park, the Roosevelt’s New York estate. The Madagascar aquamarines are also famous. Known as “Madagascar Aqua”, they usually display a medium dark blue colour.

The African aquamarines that are found mainly in the countries like Namibia, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe are famous for untreated deep blue colour that persist in even in the smallest cut stones. Some world famous aquamarines are also found in the Karakoram ranges in Pakistan and Afganistan. Nagar Aqua of Pegmatite origin is mined at the heights of some 15,000 Ft. in Nagar, Hunza. The sizes vary from a few cms. To 30 cms. Individual crystals of 2/3 gms. To 250 gms. Have also been discovered. Haramosh aquamarines are also found in the same Karakoram range. They display a fine light to dark blue shades. Jewelleries made out of aquamarines demonstrate a contemporary, yet classic look which is just perfect for the independent and fashionable model women.

Hence it is no wonder that these days aquamarine Jewelleries have become quite a rage in the international market. Some of the aquamarine jewelleries created by world famous designers are in high demand in the international circuit of jewellery enthusiasts. Some of the very well known designs rival each other in their beauty and uniqueness. These days aquamarine has become hot favourite among the modern designers. With the touch of innovative cuttings, and through the fusion of colours with other semi precious gems, they are creating such pieces of art which are truly stunning visual delight for the connocieurs of jewelleries.

Aquamarine Facts

Aquamarine Facts


Aquamarine @ Jewel Info 4 U

This stone is the treasure of sea mermaids and is as attractive as mermaids seen in stories. It owes its name to two different words from Latin language viz. ‘ aqua’ and ‘mare’ that means “water” and “sea” respectively. When both the words are joined together it creates a new name meaning seawater. Most of the properties of this semi precious gemstones relates to sea for example colour, clarity etc.

Emerald Cut Aquamarine

The shape of the stone refers to the physical outline when looking at it from the top. The most popular shapes are round, marcuise, peer, heart, oval and cushion. The work of faceting is of utmost importance so far as emerald cut is concerned. The term faceting is related to the cutting style of transparent stones. Simply faceting gives a mirror-reflecting-light effect. That is, how the light entering the stone is reflected from inside the gem, back to the viewer…..

Mystical and Healing Powers of the Aquamarine

Mystical and Healing Powers of the Aquamarine

by Nalini Naik

The aquamarine, according to legend, is blessed with many mystical powers. It is supposed to bring good fortune and harmony to the wearer. The divine and eternal blue of the aquamarine is supposed to bring good luck to married couples by strengthening the ties of marriage. Wearing this stone ensures a long lasting relationship because it evokes feelings of trust and harmony.

Throughout history, gem stones have been valued not only for their beauty and value, but also for their mystical and healing powers. Beautiful jewelry has been crafted by using all kinds of gem stones and worn by both men and women from olden times. Gems have been used not only as adornments, but also for healing ailments, both mental and physical. Long worn as charms by the ancient Romans, who staunchly believed in their magical and healing powers, even today they are used as healing agents. Ancient medicine men used gems not only for healing, but also to ward off evil spirits. It is widely believed that luck and good fortune favor the wearer of certain gems.

Aquamarine, a gemstone belonging to the family of Beryls, is one such gem. The name of this gemstone has been derived from the Latin word ‘Aqua’ meaning water and ‘Mare’ or sea. No wonder then that the beautiful, translucent blue of the sea is reflected in this gemstone. Men and women have always coveted this stone and worn it in the form of different ornaments. Aquamarine jewelry is worn not only to enhance one’s beauty but also because it is supposed to posses healing powers. This gem is particularly lucky for a person whose birthstone it is. Aquamarine has given birth to all kinds legends concerning its origin and the strange mystical power it is bestowed with. A saying goes that that the aquamarine is part of a mermaid’s treasure trove and is supposed to have been blessed by sea goddesses.

Thus it is a lucky stone for all sailors. It is supposed to protect them and bring them luck while at sea. The aquamarine, according to legend, is blessed with many mystical powers. It is supposed to bring good fortune and harmony to the wearer. The divine and eternal blue of the aquamarine is supposed to bring good luck to married couples by strengthening the ties of marriage. Wearing this stone ensures a long lasting relationship because it evokes feelings of trust and harmony. No wonder then that the aquamarine is often gifted for rte sixteenth as well as nineteenth marriage anniversaries, maybe to strengthen the marital bonds. Wearing this gem is also good for other relationships like friendship and companionship as the stone is believed to awaken not only feelings of love and mercy, but also honesty and loyalty. As such, this makes an ideal gift for close friends too. This gem is not only lucky but also protects the wearer against infidelity and deceit.

People also wear it to bring luck in new ventures and ensure financial success. Legend has it that when Scorpios i.e. people born between October twenty-third to November twenty-first, whose birthstone it is, wear the aquamarine, their psychic powers are honed. Aquamarine magnifies occult powers and brings serenity of mind. Apart from the mystical nature of the aquamarine it has been proved to have a lot of healing powers too. Aquamarine, which has the translucent blue color of the sea, is supposed to have life giving properties of the sea. The earliest mention of the aquamarine as a healing agent is found in Roman history. The Romans called the gem ‘water of the sea’ and believed it had healing powers to cure many diseases. They even used goblets carved out of aquamarines, believing this would aid digestion, retention of water in the body etc.

Its modern use as a healing agent is well known. The aquamarine, which is associated with the sea, is strongly believed to aid in the cure of all ailments relating to kidneys, bladder, retention of fluid in the body etc. The modern use of this gem as a diuretic is known by all. By wearing the aquamarine, the balance of water in the body is maintained and the body flushes out excess body fluid. In other words, the equilibrium of the fluid in the body is maintained. Other kidney and bladder disorders are also cured by wearing the aquamarine. Aquamarine also helps in repelling chronic ailments .For chronic disorders of the stomach, like indigestion, flatulence etc, it is supposed to be very helpful. Drinking the water from a ceramic vessel in which the aquamarine has been immersed, has proved to be extremely beneficial. This water has been known to aid people suffering from acidity problems and even ulcers and other inflammations in the stomach as well as the mouth.

Wearing the aquamarine around the neck or as earrings is believed to cure sore throats and even tonsillitis. This gem is also very beneficial for easing toothaches. Looking into the translucent core of this stone everyday is supposed to be very soothing for the eyes. Not only does the aquamarine heal physical ailments, this magical gem is supposed to ease mental stress and depression and grief. This gem has been known to sharpen mental clarity and improve memory. It brings serenity of mind to the wearer. The gem is also believed to inspire the wearer and stimulate creativity. It is used for calming and relaxing the mind and decrease nervous tension. It is also good for circulation of the blood. Remember, in order to benefit most from the aquamarine, it should be worn next to the skin.

White Aquamarine

White Aquamarine

by Farhan Jaffar

The white aquamarine can be transparent or opaque white. The luster is vitreous and not exceptional. The white aquamarine is well complimented with yellow gold. The contrasts are highlighted when this combination is used. Using silver, platinum or white gold will hide the brilliance of the white gemstone.

The white aquamarine is a high priced semi-precious gemstone. It is the birthstone of people whose star sign is Pisces. Aquamarine means water of the sea in Latin. Aquamarine usually is blue colored. It is the member of the beryl family of gemstones, which also include the emerald and the goshenite. Aquamarine has a hexagonal crystal structure. Heating white aquamarine between 725 to 850 degrees Fahrenheit will change to its color to permanent blue. This gem is considered to be a symbol of happiness and eternal youth. It is known as the sailor’s gem because it was used to combat seasickness by sailors.

It is said to enhance one’s attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. It brings about love and understanding. It also helps to control one’s temper and is helpful in combating ego problems. This gem is recommended for people who are involved in humanitarian causes. The white aquamarine can be transparent or opaque white. The luster is vitreous and not exceptional. The white aquamarine is well complimented with yellow gold. The contrasts are highlighted when this combination is used. Using silver, platinum or white gold will hide the brilliance of the white gemstone. White aquamarines usually are cut in oval shapes. Square shaped white aquamarines are unique and can be used in rings and pendants.

The clearer the white aquamarine the better it is. There should not be any grayish specks on the gemstone. High quality white aquamarine is almost colorless. Cabochon shaped white aquamarines are used as beads in necklaces. When a well-cut aquamarine is viewed from different angles it shows different colors. This parameter should be used when buying this gemstone.

Aquamarine Gemstone Mining

Aquamarine Gemstone Mining

by Sheweta Dhanuka

The mining process starts from carrying out the geological site investigation and environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the mines that might offer aquamarine gemstone. Then, the landform is defined by the gently moving the surface with a smooth wave like motion and is raised above the sea level. This is referred as Geomorphology.

Aquamarine is ” The Gem of the Sea “. It is a light bluish green precious stone. In Latin, ‘aqua refers to water’ while ‘ mare means sea’ so together when we join ‘aqua’ and ‘mare’ it becomes aquamarine. Therefore, aquamarine means sea water. As the name suggests, it possesses all the different shades of the sea water – light blue color to dark with the touch of green in all the possible variations.

With the increase in the size of the stone, the color becomes more light and transparent. Aquamarine contains the tiny amount of iron, which is responsible for giving it the color. Sometimes it is heated or irradiated to get the desired colors from the pale aquamarine crystals. The price of the stone rises with the intensity of it’s color.

The premier source of aquamarine gemstones having dark blue shades to lighter ones is Madagascar. Gemstone’s country Brazil supplies the good quantity of aquamarine stones. Other aquamarine mines are found in the African countries of Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique and Nigeria. This gemstone is procured from the island of Sri Lanka, USA and Russia too.

Also, mines at Gilgit in Pakistan and few parts of Afghanistan holds large amounts of aquamarine. Miami, Hurungwe, Pfungwe, and Motoko are yet other sources situated in different parts of the world. All the mines are mostly above the sea level. The mining process starts from carrying out the geological site investigation and environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the mines that might offer aquamarine gemstone.

Then, the landform is defined by the gently moving the surface with a smooth wave like motion and is raised above the sea level. This is referred as Geomorphology. The identified area contains Precambrian metamorphic rocks under it. These rocks are composed of many minerals like quartz, feldspar, mica, garnet, biotite etc. And it holds many gemstones within it. Metamorphic rocks comprise some veins called as Pegmatite veins that host aquamarine crystals.

These veins are sheared and vary from 10m to 40m in thickness. Aquamarine crystals are of cabochon to facet grade varieties and are quite clear bearing few inclusions. Aquamarine mineralization occurs within the pegmatites veins. The center of the pegmatite, being massive is fractured and banded. The veins are fractured through opencast mining method using pneumatic tools.

Compressor, jackhammer, picks, shovels, chisels, ladders, etc are few to name. The mining then is augmented by a bulldozer to mine the aquamarine. Once the gemstone is free of the rock, it is collected and cleaned off with the water. It is crucial to mention that aquamarine mining is quite environment-friendly. Toxic and environment-unfriendly chemicals and materials like mercury and cyanide are not used for mining of aquamarine. These are used in the mining of gold and base metals.

As learned above, the metamorphic rock containing aquamarine is braked apart into large pieces with the tools that insert the air/gas pressure inside the rocks. With the pressure the rocks splits, gems are procured and later washed with water. Thus, mining is simple having no harmful or adverse effects. And also after exhausting the reserves, water is pumped from the pits and purified using chlorine.

The pits are filled with a waste of rock. Above it, a layer of soil is laid having the thickness of 2m to 4m. After the soil gets settled, grass, relevant trees, and plants are planted. The vegetation is taken care of to ensure growth for a couple of years. Other wastes, such as plastics, waste paper, metal cans etc., is collected in separate metal boxes and later transported to recyclers or dumped at dumpsites. In case any petrochemical pollutant passes to water stream then the streams are well cleaned. In all, after the work is done the place is well organized and regains it’s natural to look.

Aquamarines collected from the mines are called as rough aquamarine. These are then sorted by size, shape, and color. After the sorting, it undergoes “gem processing” – the most critical step. The process of transforming the “rough” gemstones into beautiful and attractive gems takes the lot of experience, hard work, and potential. In order to optimize the rough, it is cut into long and thin slabs. Usually, aquamarines are free from inclusions and fractures so it proceeds directly to the next stage of gem processing. But, in case it has any fractures then those are removed with a diamond saw blade and the process is called sawing.

In the next stage, the stones are outlined on the slab and the shapes are cut. It being a resistant stone, cutters give new and modern cuts. This process is called as pre-forming. The pre-forming is done on diamond grinding wheels lubricated by water. After getting the shape sometimes aquamarine is colored by the color centers. Mostly, this gemstone posses natural blue-green to light sky blue color. Thus, no further coloring is required. But, when the stone is yellow or pale, it is heat treated to produce the demanding bluish green colors. The heat treatment is performed in specialized laboratories by the experts. Thus, the coloring results are stable and permanent.

In this way, aquamarine completes a long journey from metamorphic rocks to the showrooms to be part of our jewelry. It is really a valuable stone that used to be considered as the treasure of the mermaids of the sea. Aquamarines are widely used in all the jewelry items making women more beautiful in the entire world. So here is just one small tip- when making the purchase of aquamarine jewelry look for the light sparks it emits in daylight. The sparkle should be bright and colorful. So happy buying and enjoy wearing the treasure of the sea !!!!

Mineral collecting as hobby

Mineral collecting as hobby

by Ardamun

The best source for collection of mineral specimen are the mines and quarries. The other places of interest you could explore, could be mountains, where landslides have occurred, rock exposures near cliffs, lake shores, sea shores and stream beds.

Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic substances formed through geological processes. A true mineral is solid and has a crystalline structure. There are around 4000 minerals, ranging from pure elements and simple salts to complex silicates. For many, mineral collecting is a fascinating hobby. Mineralogy, the study of minerals, can help us understand how the Earth was formed. Its study is an outstanding introduction to Physics and Chemistry. Though there are no hard and fast rules, the hobby of mineral collecting entails:

• Collection for personal interest and pleasure
• Collection of samples to be part of a personal collection
• Collection is not for the purpose of sales
• Collected samples can be swapped with fellow hobbyists as a part of boosting your personal collection

Where to look for Minerals

The best source for collection of mineral specimen are the mines and quarries. The other places of interest you could explore, could be mountains, where landslides have occurred, rock exposures near cliffs, lake shores, sea shores and stream beds. Care needs to be exercised while exploring abandoned mines and quarries. You may require permission to enter certain quarries and mines that are private property.

To indulge in your hobby, equip yourself well while exploring sites. Shoes/boots should have steel toe caps and soles with a good grip. They should be comfortable for long hikes. Any clothes suitable for hiking would be fine for your excursions. If you are exploring mines, you may need a sweater or two, incase of lower temperatures. Personal safety dictates the use of goggles, sturdy gloves and hard hats. Of course, do not forget to carry along a first aid kit.

For collection of samples, you will need the following:

• Geological hammer
• A chisel for shaping/trimming specimens
• A prospector’s shovel
• A normal all-purpose two pound hammer
• A rock chisel for separating imbedded specimen from rocks
• A crow bar, for dislodging larger pieces of rocks
• Miscellaneous equipment, such as a gold pan, metal detector, a lamp and a knapsack

The above equipment is not exhaustive and you may include others like, a magnifying glass, pocket knife, a magnet, a camera etc. Trim your specimens to a practical size and wrap them individually. To avoid destruction of fragile and/or small specimens empty egg cartons can be ideally used. A good and conscientious hobbyist would always label the collection, albeit temporarily on site, with details of locations from where they were collected. These details are easily forgotten at a later stage, especially on a busy expedition.

When you get back home, clean the specimens with water and a soft brush, especially when the samples are soft minerals. If need be, use detergents. Care should be taken in the case of minerals that are water-soluble. Alcohol can be used to clean such minerals. Once done, label the specimens finally, prior to storage. Alternately, you can number the specimens and enter the number in a journal giving details regarding its name, location from where excavated and any other information you may wish to impart.

As your collection grows, you may need to devise better methods of storage and information. Storage could be based on location, crystal structure or whichever method you may decide.

Mineral Collecting – Is it a Hobby in Decline?

As an amateur hobby, mineral collecting – especially field collecting – seems to be on the decline. Post WW II; with America actively seeking uranium ores, people started to explore for uranium to get rich. There were few successes but it got them hooked on mineral collecting. After its peak in the late 1950s, its popularity was on the wane. How did this happen? There was nothing new to spur their interests. There is a decline of mining industry in America. The mines and quarries, the erstwhile ‘gold mines’ of mineral specimens, have closed down. They have either ‘exhausted’ or there are cheaper foreign sources available. A few of them that are active do not allow individual collectors and have contracted out to private companies to collect and market the specimens. The sources of collecting free specimens to augment one’s hobby have all but dried up and have put it beyond the reach of average collectors.

There is less likelihood of amateur hobbyists going out on weekends and come back with quality specimens. Those days of field collection have long gone past. Collectors today are more concerned with the economics of collection. There is a marked lack of knowledge about the science of mineralogy and crystallography when compared with the hobbyists of yore. There is no curiosity about the wonders of minerals and how they were created within the Earth. Armchair mineral collectors shop for specimens and buy the best available to augment their collections.

Mineral Collecting – How to Stop the Decline?

One serious question facing concerned hobbyists and collectors is how to develop interest in minerals in young people. How do they explain their fascination with these objects? Mineral collection has become a professional business and is no longer amateur.

There must be a dedicated effort to make mineral collecting a popular hobby as soon as possible. Collectors, dealers and such hobbyists must get together to interest new recruits into the fold. Two possible ways would be to:

• Get them started without much expense.
• Expose them to relevant activities, repeatedly.

Local mineral clubs can recruit new collectors and whet their interest by organizing shows displaying generous selection of minerals specimens. Hobbyists can approach schools and interest them in developing a section on mineralogy. They could organize a guest lecture at school, where the hobbyist or the collector can show interesting specimens. Field trips can be arranged, where children are taken on expeditions to collect specimens. Invite the teacher and the children to your home to check out your complete collection of mineral specimens. Volunteer to take them on a trip to the Natural Museum and take them through the mineral displays. Give them a lecture on these displays with complete background of the minerals.

Hobbyists and collectors will have to get together to awaken the interest of young people in this fascinating hobby.

Take your Hobby Further

Once you have amassed a sizable collection of minerals, you may wish to use your collection to earn a livelihood. With your knowledge of the basic fundamentals of mineralogy and crystallography, it is apt to convert your hobby into your profession. Before putting your collection up for sale, ensure that:

• Your specimens are properly photographed, without touch ups, especially when posting them on your website.
• You describe your specimens accurately and make note of damages, if any.
• All your specimens are priced fairly.
• You are able to answer all questions from prospective customers accurately and promptly.

In case you are unable to respond to a query, you should be able to let them know from where they can get appropriate information. One such place is The Mineralogical Society of America (MSA). As a person who is interested in mineralogy and crystallography it would be advisable that you too seek membership in such an organization. The Society encourages the general preservation of mineral collections, among other things. You can learn more about this organization by visiting its website at