by Madhubanti Rudra

This unique colour gem looks equally great in any piece of jewellery, be it an exquisite ring or large pendant. So far as rings are concerned, small stones always look better on them. A Tanzanite ring can be the ideal choice for a truly fashionable person because its unusual blend of colour renders each and every piece of jewllery a really exclusive look.

Tanzanite RingIn the middle of 1967, a Portuguese fortune hunter named Manuel d’souza was traveling along the eastern part of Africa in search of rare quality ruby and sapphire. Flanked by Maasai tribesmen, he came near a pace just below the Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania, where he happened to stumble upon a heap of gleaming blue rocks, which, at first was mistaken by him as sapphire. Little at that point of time, could he imagine, that one day this newly discovered stone would take the world by storm. Soon, this unassuming stone was christened as tanzanite after its pace of origin and gained immense popularity among the gem-lovers across the globe, especially in America, Europe and Japan.

The fact that, original tanzanite is a very rare kind of tone, occurring only in a small place in Tanzania, known as Merelani Hill, Arusha, added to its demand and high value. In the absence of sophisticated mining techniques and inadequate financing, production never attains the level where supply ever complements the demand satisfactorily. As a result, the price of tanzanite always remained very high in the international market and never settled to equilibrium till date. Today tanzanite in the 1 to 3 Carat size range and in moderate colour quality along with visible inclusions is available for $400 per Carat. Top quality tanzanites command a price over $1000 per Carat. So far as chemical composition of tanzanite is concerned, it is actually a variety of Zoisite, which is the member of Epidote group, a silicate of calcium and Aluminium. Straight from the ground, in its primary form, it displays a brown shade, mixed with a light orange tinge.

Tanzanite is always given a heat treatment approximately at 700 degree Celsius temperature, which enhances its colour. A moderate heat treatment brings out the colours ranging from light bluish-violet to an intense bluish-violet. The most important price determining factor in tanzanite is its unique colour combination. Borrowing the royal ness of rich blue sapphire and stealing luster from purple amethyst, tanzanite creates such a magic with colour, that earns it a rare place of distinction in the world of gemstones. The mot prized colour in tanzanite is a rich violet-blue. A pure blue tanzanite is very rare, as tanzanite is always mixed with a purple overtone. So naturally blue tanzanites are more desirable and sold at a higher price. Currently it has been noticed that presence of blue or purple colour components in tanzanites no longer dictates the difference in their pricing. However, with the aid of skillful cutting, its blue or violet colour components can be emphasized. However, tanzanite is highly tri-chroic, it changes its colour under different amount of light.

It displays a lighter shade, mostly lavender, in smaller sizes. The larger the gem, more saturate its colour. Recently, a green variety of Zoisite has been discovered, which goes by the name, green tanzanite. When tanzanite was first discovered, people got confused because of its colour. It closely resembled sapphire. But laboratory tests revealed that the stone was far too soft to rival corundum family, to which belong the sapphires. On Mohs scale of hardness, tanzanite measures 6 to 7. It has a perfect cleavage, but the fracture is uneven and brittle. It also reacts poorly to heat and pressure. Tanzanite stones however have a very clarity usually with very few inclusions. In October 2002, the American Gem Trade Associations agreed to endorse tanzanite in the family of birth stones. It has been conferred the honor of being treated as the additional birth stone for the month of December.

According to the contemporary jewelers’ Anniversary Gemstone List, tanzanite is the anniversary gemstone for 24th year of the marriage. Like other blue gems tanzanite brings a cooling effect over one’s body and mind. When life becomes chaotic under tremendous pressure tanzanite is believed to bring the composure of self. Enhancing personal inside and vision, it reaffirms one’s individual will. Gold brings with it the energy of sun and the stone represents the power of moon. So if tanzanite is worn, teamed with gold. Beautifully blends in it the energies of the sun and the moon. Although tanzanite lacks in luster, it is the unusual colour of this tone that stole the hearts of millions all over the world. Whether worn as a ring or a necklace, as an earring or a bracelet, it has the potential of becoming the ultimate eye catcher. Although wearing tanzanite jewelleries require special care and protection, it always speaks of one’s refined taste and high sense of aesthetics.

Facts about Tanzanite

Facts about Tanzanite

by Madhubanti Rudra

Original tanzanite is a very rare kind of tone, occurring only in a small place in Tanzania, known as Merelani Hill, Arusha. It is actually a variety of Zoisite, which is the member of Epidote group, a silicate of calcium and aluminium.

Summary: Original tanzanite is a very rare kind of tone, occurring only in a small place in Tanzania, known as Merelani Hill, Arusha. It is actually a variety of Zoisite, which is the member of Epidote group, a silicate of calcium and Aluminium.

In the middle of 1967, a Portuguese fortune hunter named Manuel d’souza was traveling along the eastern part of Africa in search of rare quality ruby and sapphire. Flanked by Maasai tribesmen, he came near a pace just below the Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania, where he happened to stumble upon a heap of gleaming blue rocks, which, at first was mistaken by him as sapphire. Little at that point of time, could he imagine, that one day this newly discovered stone would take the world by storm. Soon, this unassuming stone was christened as tanzanite after its pace of origin and gained immense popularity among the gem-lovers across the globe, especially in America, Europe and Japan.

TanzaniteThe fact that, original tanzanite is a very rare kind of tone, occurring only in a small place in Tanzania, known as Merelani Hill, Arusha, added to its demand and high value. In the absence of sophisticated mining techniques and inadequate financing, production never attains the level where supply ever complements the demand satisfactorily. As a result, the price of tanzanite always remained very high in the international market and never settled to equilibrium till date. Today tanzanite in the 1 to 3 Carat size range and in moderate colour quality along with visible inclusions is available for $400 per Carat. Top quality tanzanites command a price over $1000 per Carat. So far as chemical composition of tanzanite is concerned, it is actually a variety of Zoisite, which is the member of Epidote group, a silicate of calcium and aluminium. Straight from the ground, in its primary form, it displays a brown shade, mixed with a light orange tinge.

Tanzanite is always given a heat treatment approximately at 700 degree Celsius temperature, which enhances its colour. A moderate heat treatment brings out the colours ranging from light bluish-violet to an intense bluish-violet. The most important price determining factor in tanzanite is its unique colour combination. Borrowing the royal ness of rich blue sapphire and stealing luster from purple amethyst, tanzanite creates such a magic with colour, that earns it a rare place of distinction in the world of gemstones. The mot prized colour in tanzanite is a rich violet-blue. A pure blue tanzanite is very rare, as tanzanites are always mixed with a purple overtone. So naturally blue tanzanites are more desirable and sold at a higher price.

Currently it has been noticed that presence of blue or purple colour components in tanzanites no longer dictates the difference in their pricing. However, with the aid of skillful cutting, its blue or violet colour components can be emphasized. However, tanzanite is highly tri-chroic, it changes its colour under different amount of light. It displays a lighter shade, mostly lavender, in smaller sizes. The larger the gem, more saturate its colour. Recently, a green variety of zoisite has been discovered, which goes by the name, green tanzanite. When tanzanite was first discovered, people got confused because of its colour. It closely resembled sapphire. But laboratory tests revealed that the stone was far too soft to rival corundum family, to which belong the sapphires. On Mohs scale of hardness, tanzanite measures 6 to 7. It has a perfect cleavage, but the fracture is uneven and brittle. It also reacts poorly to heat and pressure. Tanzanite stones however have a very clarity usually with very few inclusions.

In October 2002, the American Gem Trade Associations agreed to endorse tanzanite in the family of birth stones. It has been conferred the honour of being treated as the additional birth stone for the month of December. According to the contemporary jewelers’ Anniversary Gemstone List, tanzanite is the anniversary gemstone for 24th year of the marriage. Like other blue gems tanzanite brings a cooling effect over one’s body and mind. When life becomes chaotic under tremendous pressure tanzanite is believed to bring the composure of self. Enhancing personal inside and vision, it reaffirms one’s individual will. Gold brings with it the energy of sun and the stone represents the power of moon. So if tanzanite is worn, teamed with gold. Beautifully blends in it the energies of the sun and the moon. Although tanzanite lacks in luster, it is the unusual colour of this tone that stole the hearts of millions all over the world. Whether worn as a ring or a necklace, as an earring or a bracelet, it has the potential of becoming the ultimate eye catcher. Although wearing tanzanite jewelleries require special care and protection, it always speaks of one’s refined taste and high sense of aesthetics.

Tanzanite Pendants

Tanzanite Pendants

by Madhubanti Rudra

Pendant is a very important piece of jewellery, in as much as it is supposed to highlight the most prominent part of the body. The shape, the size, and the colour –these three factors together amount to the beauty of a pendant which in turn performs the duty of adorning the upper part of one’s figure.

Summary: Pendant is a very important piece of jewellery, in as much as it is supposed to highlight the most prominent part of the body. The shape, the size, and the colour –these three factors together amount to the beauty of a pendant which in turn performs the duty of adorning the upper part of one’s figure.

Trends of modern fashion

Tanzanite PendantDazzling designer ensembles, teamed with glittering jewelleries-today’s fashion savvy generation know that, there is much more than this, associated with the word, fashion. The boom in information technology, and the invasion of the remotest parts of the world, by the satellites overhead, has revolutionized the way of lives of common people all over the world. The very definition of styling has transformed. A fashionable get-up today is viewed as an entire package. To look stylish, not only the outfit, you have to take good care of your accessories as well. Today’s fashion experts are of the view that, proper accessorizing can bring out the x factor hidden within you, which can set you apart from everybody else. Although the objects like wrist watch, handbag or shoes have become important as accessories, a piece of jewellery is the most traditional and sophisticated among them. The choice of right jewellery is a matter of vast imaginative thinking. The jewllery industry seems to have traveled a long way in recent years, emphasis being shifted from conventional to fusion and exotic. The jewellery industry is flooded by some really gifted designers, who with their innovative genius creating the real pieces of art. The novelty of their efforts lies in their experimentations with new metals and new stones. In this process, world came to witness the rise of some newcomers in the world of gems and jewelleries, which have been unknown to the world even 2 or 3 decades ago. Among them, most interesting is the case of Tanzanite, whose climb to the position of prominence surprised even the specialists in this field.

Facts about tanzanite pendants

Pendant is a very important piece of jewellery, in as much as it is supposed to highlight the most prominent part of the body. The shape, the size, and the colour -these three factors together amount to the beauty of a pendant which in turn performs the duty of adorning the upper part of one’s figure. The pendant should be rightly paired with attire. Not only the colour and size of the pendant should match the dress, it should provide the right backdrop to the overall purpose of dressing. Formal as well as informal outfits are to be strategically teamed with different pattern and types of jewelleries. An important advantage concerning a tanzanite pendant is that, because of its flexible colour arrangement, a tanzanite pendant in any shape and size, become indeed spectacular. Not only that, its unique colour can efficiently back any outfit-formal or informal, western or oriental. Fusion being the guiding force of present international jewellery industry, tanzanite pendants carry that extra potential of bringing out the contemporary and exotic appeal simultaneously.

How to buy tanzanite pendants

Possessing stone studded jewelleries speaks of one’s sophisticated tastes. But buying them is not an easy task. This is also true for the tanzanite jewelleries. So before losing your heart to any particular piece, you must check out for the details of tanzanites. Like all other gemstones, 4cs (cut, clarity, colour and carat weight) are important also for tanzanites. Among them foremost of importance is its colour.

The colour of tanzanite is one of the most important factors behind its immense popularity. Although the bluish violet is the most common colour in tanzanite, the intensity of blue or violet varies with its size. Blue tanzanites which are very rare, come only in big pieces of stones, weighing over 10 ctweight.The small stones in the category of 1-3 cts display soft velvety tone. Another peculiarity relating tanzanite is its shifting of colour under different lights. With different backgrounds of white or yellowish light, it exhibits varying degree of red yellow or orange flashes. So, in order to test the authenticity of the stone, always examine it under the background of sorts of lights.

Cut is important not only for bringing out its brilliance, a skillful cutting determines, which one of the colour component-blue or violet-will get the prominence.

So far as the clarity or clearness of the stone is concerned, tanzanite is known for its transparency with almost no inclusions. Cleavage is said to be perfect. But being a soft stone, the fractures inside are brittle. However, as for other gemstones, so for the tanzanites, presence of natural inclusion is a proof of their being real. Because, glass or any other imitation stones don’t have such inclusions.

Care: The most important aspect of buying a tanzanite is knowing about its care. This stone belonging to zoist family, is a softer variety of gemstone, that ranks in Mohs scale,6-7. This implies, wearing tanzanite jewellery needs special care and protection. It is very prone to develop cracks by sudden temperature change, pressure or bumps. Simple use of brush and soap water is the best way of cleaning tanzanite .Professionals however ,recommend ionic solution for their cleaning. Also tanzanite pendants should be preserved with care in separate cotton lined box.

Treatment: Another important information regarding tanzanite is its treatment. Its fine violet-blue colour is the result of gradual heating of the stone at a temperature of 500 to 700 degree Celsius. The colour thus created is permanent and in no way comes in the way of its durability. So, heat treatment does not affect its price adversely.

Price: The low availability of tanzanite has made it a costly gem. In international market, rare big tanzanites sell for $1000 per carat, while, small and more common, purple coloured tanzanites come with a lower price tag of nearly $400 per carat.

Now you have all the information to be a proud owner of a beautiful tanzanite pendant. Best of luck. On the basis of the above guide, the piece of your choice is definitely going to be a show-stopper.

Tanzanite White Gold

Tanzanite White Gold

by Madhubanti Rudra

This white gold actually is an alloy of gold mixed with white metals like nickel, silver and palladium. Like white gold, tanzanite is also a new comer in the world of jewellery. It is the beautiful tonal harmony between these two that has made them the hottest couple in the arena of fancy jewellery.

Summary: This white gold actually is an alloy of gold mixed with white metals like nickel, silver and palladium. Like white gold, tanzanite is also a new comer in the world of jewellery. It is the beautiful tonal harmony between these two that has made them the hottest couple in the arena of fancy jewellery.

Emergence of white gold in international market

Tanzanite jewelry with white goldThe lives and works of the great painters are marked by their incessant experimentation with new forms and mediums. The innovative applications of their experimental works have produced great results in forms of creations that have been immortalized in the history of art and culture. The 21st century jewellery designers seem to infuse this ideal in their form of art. This new generation designers have revolutionized the international jewellery industry by introducing the use of new mediums. Their efforts are all about bridging the gap between traditional and contemporary. They stepped out of the boring world of glistening yellow gold and blinding flashes of diamonds, by replacing them with hitherto unused metals like platinum, white gold or oxidized gold and plenty of unknown dazzling semi precious stones.

Tanzanite white gold: the hottest duo

The market responses to these bold experimentations was overwhelming, leading to a steep rise in the demands for this futuristic trinkets, which should better be termed as accessories, rather than ornaments. The philosophy behind these creations being wearability make them fit for any kind of attire – formal or informal. In their attempt to give their creations contemporary at the same time a classy look, the designers put emphasis on the basic colours like white and try to avoid the high degree of brightness. This philosophy is the secret behind immense popularity of white gold. Again, the etiquette of jewllery demands when the colour of metal looks slightly subdued, the stone should display a vivacity of colour. That is why, it is a common practice to team the bright coloured gems with white gold. But it is the superb combination of tanzanite and white gold that has the charisma of becoming the ultimate show stopper. Any person, who has an eye for colour and penchant for beauty, the excellent pairing of white gold and purple tanzanite is bound to invoke emotions. Stealing the purplish hue from amethyst and richness of blue from sapphire, tanzanite demonstrates such an assortment of colour that is unique in itself. And when this magnificence of colour is submerged in the coolness of white gold, then it truly becomes a visual treat for anybody who covets the finer sides of life.

Facts about white gold

The word gold is synonymous with the bright yellow metal that since time immemorial has inspired the awe of mankind and associated with everything that is rich, powerful and prestigious. As the definition of jewellery changed over time and the classy look rather than dressy look emerged as the dominating factor, yellow gold gradually took the back seat and white gold occupied the position of prominence. This white gold actually is an alloy of gold mixed with white metals like nickel, silver and palladium. Like yellow gold, white gold is divided into variety of carats. White gold is found in 9 carat, 10 carat, 14 carat and 18 carat. 18 carat white gold consists of 75% gold and 25% white metal. In most cases 18 carat white gold is mixed with palladium. 9 carat white gold is made up of 3 parts of gold and 5 parts of silver. White gold can also be alloyed with nickel, which renders it a good colour as well as a good hardness. But nickel can produce allergy in sensitive skins. White gold closely resembles platinum in its beauty and sophistication. But platinum which is purest of all metals is much heavier, denser and much more long lasting than gold.A small piece of platinum jewellery commands a price perhaps twice the price of jewellery in white gold. This is another reason why, white gold is in great demand now a days; for a much lesser price one can buy almost the same elegance as platinum.

Facts about tanzanite

Like white gold, tanzanite is also a new comer in the world of jewellery. It is the beautiful tonal harmony between these two that has made them the hottest couple in the arena of fancy jewellery. The rich violet -blue shade, in tanzanite, the chief factor behind its popularity, vary according to the size. The bluish hue increases with the stone size, while smaller and more common stones in the category of 1-3 carats range display the intensity of purple. Price is higher for bigger and bluer stones. However heat treatment for enhancing the colour is a common practice so far as tanzanites are concerned. Tanzanite being a softer variety of gemstone like emerald is very sensitive to knock, pressure and sudden temperature change. So wearing and prevention of tanzanite require special care and attention.

Making tanzanite white gold jewelleries

As said earlier that tanzanite is rather a soft gemstone. Therefore making tanzanite jewellery requires a skillful craftsmanship. At the same time, choice of metal is also a matter of importance. In order to contain the stone, a strong base is required and that is why a 10 carat or 14 carat white gold [which is much stronger than pure 22 carat gold] is used to make tanzanite jewelleries. To provide it an extra protection, prong setting is always recommended. In addition to that, the gold is given a protective coating of rhodium, a silver white metal like platinum. This coating also brightens up the metal.

The specialists recommend a replating once in every year, as the brightness of the metal fades away over time. From earring to bracelet, or ring to necklace, tanzanite and white gold combination works out its magic on every piece of jewellery.For a more artistic touch, some prefer to add a dash of yellow gold along side the white. Sometimes the metal is mat-finished. Thus the scope of innovation is immense. It is only the matter of your decision which of the piece, you will select. But one thing is guarranted, that is, you will always feel proud of your possession.

Tanzanite bracelets

Tanzanite bracelets

by Madhubanti Rudra

A bracelet is one of the most sophisticated pieces of jewellery which emphasizes on your love for details. Coming to the option of a tanzanite bracelet, what could be more eye-catching than a circle of gorgeous purple gemstones shimmering around your slender wrist? Leaving aside the whole gang of traditional favourites like diamonds, rubies or sapphires, your selection of a tanzanite bracelet will definitely be a signature of your appetite for exceptional and exclusive.

Significance of accessoriesAs the present age is markedly branded as the age of competition, the packaging and presentation have very significant. An eye for details is a prerequisite for a flawless presentation. These days a truly stylist person is expected to look ravishing from lip to toes. In this quest for the perfect look, accessories have appeared as important players. The much hyped perfect look depends in a large way, on the knack of choosing right accessories. Your dressing is never complete without the addition of the right accessories. At the same time, a tricky use of accessories can accentuate your style statement. According to the modern fashion experts, in order of importance, jewelleries rank first among all kinds of accessories.

The contribution of bracelet towards your overall getup

The significance of jewellery lies in its stimulating impact on one’s personality. Each piece of jewellery is meant to perform different duties. While a necklace renders resplendence to the upper portion of the body, an earring brings out the elements of symmetry in the face. The bangles and bracelets highlight the roundness of the hands, thus adding more to the feminine flavor.

The unusual flavor of a tanzanite bracelet

A bracelet is one of the most sophisticated pieces of jewellery which emphasizes on your love for details. Coming to the option of a tanzanite bracelet, what could be more eye-catching than a circle of gorgeous purple gemstones shimmering around your slender wrist? Leaving aside the whole gang of traditional favorites like diamonds, rubies or sapphires, your selection of a tanzanite bracelet will definitely be a signature of your appetite for exceptional and exclusive. Diamonds may be expensive, emeralds may be aristocratic, but an exotic entry of gleaming violet-blue tanzanite is a statement of beauty enhanced by the use of brain .

Facts about tanzanite

Tanzanite Stone

Buying a tanzanite bracelet becomes fun if you make an informed decision about the purchase. Here is some basic information regarding tanzanite: First, tanzanite is rather a new entrant in the vast network of gemstones. Being discovered just about 30 years back and its source being restricted to only a remote place of east Africa, the price of this stone in the international market is rather high. While bigger stones in 10 carat range command a price over $1000 per carat, the smaller stone in 1 – 3 carat range comes for a price tag of $300 – $400 per carat. Secondly, the most coveted element in tanzanite is its unusual assortment of colours. It displays a tonal harmony of purple and blue, a combination that under the back drop of different lights appear somewhat ethereal. While the stones in smaller size are much purple, the stones of higher caratage are more intense in blue. Third important point in tanzanite is its softness. Like emerald, this softer variety of stone is full of brittle fractures and very much sensitive to the knock, pressure and sudden temperature change. That is why wearing and cleaning tanzanite jewelleries require special care and protection.

Choice of a tanzanite bracelet

In order to flaunt your colorful tanzanite bracelet to its fullest advantage you have to consider the following points.

* First of all you have to determine which design or what type of tanzanite bracelet suits your taste, personality, figure and your wardrobe.

* A bracelet should not be too snug that makes you uncomfortable or should not be too loose that it slides down on to your hands. It is supposed to softly coil around just above the wrist. The rule of the fashion demands, slender wrist is suitable for a narrower bracelet. For a heavier wrist a substantially broader is perfect. An average wrist can carry well both the styles.

* Again your bracelet should be in proportion to the type and style of your attire. For example, a former tailored outfit is best matched with a bracelet of an elegant and vintage look. A funky dress can be best be complemented by a chain-link tanzanite bracelet.

* As tanzanite stones are very fragile, the ways of opening of bracelet for putting on or taking of purposes are very important. There are plenty of methods like using a hinge, a clasp or a spring ring or it may have a hidden device as well. But whatever method is used, it should be unobtrusive and in complete harmony with the ornament.

* There are varieties of styles of bracelets. For example a tennis bracelet displays the beauty of tanzanite stones in their fullest effect. Tennis bracelets, popularized by ace tennis champion Chris Evert feature a row of circular channel set tanzanites. These tennis rings are among those ornaments, which a lady can wear all the time like a wedding ring. However, for a bolder statement, one can choose slightly bigger size tanzanite prong set in platinum.

* Last but not least is the surface treatment of the metal which provides the finishing touch to your favorite piece of jewellery. Depending on the design and the taste of the wearer the metal should either be polished to shine or mat-finished.

Care for your tanzanite bracelet

Bracelet is a type of ornament, which is an easy victim to knocks and bumps. Therefore, it is advised, that you must check from time to time, whether the stones are secure. Before doing any harsh works, like dish or cloths washing, take off the bracelets to avoid the contact with detergent. Take time off from your work to give your valuable piece of jewellery, a touch of pampering by washing them with ionic solutions. Always preserve them separately in fabric lined jewel box. Expend some extra minutes for your favorite jewellery and they will give you extra shine and extra longevity in return.

Tanzanite Earrings

Tanzanite Earrings

by Madhubanti Rudra

If the essence of a perfect woman is summarized by the words, beauty with brain, a perfect piece of jewellery shows of a tricky combination of affordability and aesthetics. The Tanzanite earrings are examples of perfection, where size of your purse never becomes an impediment on the way of your appreciation for fineries.

Summary: If the essence of a perfect woman is summarized by the words, beauty with brain, a perfect piece of jewellery shows of a tricky combination of affordability and aesthetics. The Tanzanite earrings are examples of perfection, where size of your purse never becomes an impediment on the way of your appreciation for fineries.

Appearance of Tanzanite


Jewelleries are the manifestation of a woman’s inner voice. As such, every woman, especially the liberated woman of today, who loves to live the life on her own terms, always prefers to make a distinctive style statement. This endless craving for the new and exclusive is creating new currents every day international fashion circuit. The jewellery industry exemplifies the same trend. Hot favorites of today are a matter of clichi tomorrow. For example, bold and ethnic motifs which have been ruling the international fashion scenario for quite some time seems to gradually taking the back seat. On the other hand, colorful, semi-precious stones have made a grand entry, creating quite an influential impact on the fashion-savvy youngsters. From an elaborate necklace to a tiny piece of earring, these dazzling semi-precious stones find a place of pride. Of course, in this race of grabbing the bigger share of admiration, a few gemstones are running ahead of the others. Tanzanite is one of them. This comparatively new entrant in the world of gemstones seems to steal the show everywhere with its unusual velvety blue hues.

Tanzanite earring: a unique choice

The earrings are not only the oldest form of ornament; they are also the most basic part of a lady’s wardrobe. Leaving aside all other jewelleries, only a pair of small earrings can make all the differences to your sense of dressing. If the essence of a perfect woman is summarized by the words, beauty with brain, a perfect piece of jewellery shows of a tricky combination of affordability and aesthetics. The Tanzanite earrings are examples of perfection, where size of your purse never becomes an impediment on the way of your appreciation for fineries.

Buying guide of tanzanite earrings

Possession of jewelleries fills you with a feeling of security and confidence and of course lots of happiness. This joy of possession increases many fold, if you make a guided decision. First of all, each piece of ornament is supposed to perform its unique function. The earring, which stays at the closest proximity of the face is supposed to hide the facial flaws. Therefore, shape or size of the earrings must be in accordance with the face cutting, eye colour and hair style of the individual.

An advantage with a Tanzanite earring is that, because of the richness and depth of the colour of this gemstone looks nice in any shape. Only in the bigger stones bluish tone is more prominent, while the smaller stones more purple. However, an earring with a large tanzanite is just perfect on a chubby face. On the other hand small tanzanite stud earrings go well with slim face and high cheek bones. Secondly, so far as the shape is concerned, tanzanites are available in any shape ranging from square, round, pear or heart shapes.

Tanzanites are admired mostly because of its unusual colour assortment- a lavender blue hue that gives it a distinction among the crowd of variety of semi precious stones. The cutting and shape of the stones should be such that it should reflect this splendid colour in its fullest effect. But in the time of picking up a tanzanite earring, choose according to the shape and type of your face. While a big, round tanzanite stud earring will highlight the roundness of one’s face even more, a square stone can make the face look sharper by creating an edgy impact. While floral designs bring an essentially feminine touch, the geometrical patterns emphasize on a vintage look. Thirdly, for a tanzanite earring the choice of the metal is very important. In order to contain and complement the luxuriousness of the stone the metal should be equally rich in its look and element.

Although the use of white gold is most common for tanzanite jewelleries, platinum gives it a touch of sophistication. The beauty of this rare gem can best be complimented by glossy and high polished metals. Fourthly, hoops and studs may be the safest option regarding the design of an earring. But as long as tanzanite is concerned one cam experiment with plethora of designs available in the market. Shoulder brushing earrings with small beads of tanzanite, suspended by thin white gold chains, speaks of someone with highly fashionable bend of mind. A chandelier which is considered the most gorgeous among all types of earrings can be made of with small pieces of tanzanite along with dollops of snow white pearls. Such creations are sure to add extra colour to your moments of celebration. Fifthly, fixing a budget and collecting information about the comparative prices is always a good idea.

Tanzanite Stones

The blue tanzanites are rare and they occur only in the bigger sizes in the range of 10 carats. These stones command higher prices in the international market, while the lavender coloured tanzanites which are available in smaller sizes in 3 – 4 carat range cost lesser. The next important point regarding a tanzanite earring is its scare. Since tanzanite is a softer variety of gemstone like emerald, it is very susceptible to knock and pressure. It is generally recommended that tanzanite should be mounted in a bezel and protected with heavy prongs as much as possible. The gem is also very heat sensitive and likely to develop cracks with sudden temperature change. At the time of wearing and taking it off, protect it from abrasion as much as possible. The contact with harsh chemicals can harm the stone. So always keep it separately in a cotton stuffed box and clean it with ionic solution.

Lastly, while buying the jewelry of your choice beware of the imitation tanzanites. Although artificial tanzanites have not appeared in the market, synthetic corundum and synthetic spinels are often sold in the name of tanzanites. So always choose the jewellery shop carefully. It is important to collect from the jeweler a certificate on the authenticity of the gem stone and a buyback guarantee.

Tanzanite Stones

Tanzanite Stones

by Erum Ali Qureshi

Popular for its intense deep violet to blue color, Tanzanite is actually the commercial name given to the mineral Zoisite. This beautiful gem is increasingly being used in fine jewelry across the globe instead of the much-used and hugely popular blue sapphire . Here we take a look at the properties and characteristics that distinguish it from other similar looking stones like iolite and blue sapphire.

Tantalizing Tanzanite

Popular for its intense deep violet to blue color, Tanzanite stone is actually the commercial name given to the mineral Zoisite. This beautiful gem is increasingly being used in fine jewelry across the globe instead of the much-used and hugely popular blue sapphire . Here we take a look at the properties and characteristics that distinguish it from other similar looking stones like iolite and blue sapphire.

Tanzanite Stone

The stone Tanzanite, named after its country of origin Tanzania actually occurs as the mineral Zoisite. Its chemical composition is hydrous calcium Aluminium silicate. Zoisite occurs in many colors such as pink, brown, yellow, green, blue and a peculiar color described as ‘khaki’. Only the deep violet to blue colored variety is referred to and marketed as Tanzanite. All these shades of color are liable to turn to the favored blue on careful heat treatment and this is usually carried out.

Tanzanite as we know it was discovered only in the year 1967 in the Meralanie hills of the Lelatema district of Tanzania. Prior to this the only varieties of Zoisite that had some claim to being a gem material were the massive pink variety known as thulite and the green chrome-rich material, which occurs as matrix for large hexagonal crystals of ruby found in Tanzania. This variety however is used as an ornamental material and prized for its rich green-red color combination.

Tanzanite Stone

Much of traditional India considers blue sapphire an astrologically effective stone. Therefore its use in modern fine jewelry is limited. People prefer to wear it only if it suits their sun sign or on the advice of an astrologer. This is one reason why tanzanite is gaining popularity in traditionally motivated markets such as India. It has no astrological significance and its color matches closely with blue sapphire sometimes even exceeding its allure due to its (tanzanite’s) violet tinge.

Heat treatment

All colors of Zoisite crystals are heated at temperatures up to 380 degrees Celsius, as the stones tend to disintegrate at higher temperatures. Therefore care must be taken while cleaning jewelry set with Tanzanite in ultrasonic cleaners as they might fracture badly therein. Since heat treatment is universal, it has no effect on price, and most finished gems of this variety are assumed to be heat-treated.

Tanzanite Pendant


Tanzanite is often confused with a similar looking gemstone called Iolite. However when viewed through a dichroscope the pleochroic colors of iolite (blue, violet and pale yellow) distinguish it from tanzanite whose pleochroic colors include (violet, green and blue). A dichroscope is a small tube like gemological apparatus that is used to view the colors of the ordinary and extraordinary rays in colored gemstones. (See box for the definition of Pleochroism.)

There are also other differences between tanzanite and Iolite. for one, the specific gravity of tanzanite (3.15 to 3.38) is much more than that of iolite (2.57 to 2.61) meaning that the heft of a stone purported to be tanzanite will be considerably more than that of iolite. The refractive index too shows a marked difference Tanzanite- 1.69 to 1.70) as compared to iolite1.54 to 1.60). Of course measuring these two properties (specific gravity and refractive index) requires gemological training and knowledge and is best left to the experts. The information given here is solely for reference purposes.

Tanzanite Necklace

A table of tanzanite simulants is given below along with their identifying features.

IolitePleochroic colors- Blue, violet and pale yellow usually seen simply as almost colorless and deep blue.
Refractive index- 1.54 to 1.60
Specific Gravity- 2.57 to 2.61
Blue GlassBlue glass cannot be much of a convincing simulant for tanzanite, for one the typical inclusions in glass (gas bubbles, mold marks) chips and breakages will give it away. Also it will not display Pleochroism.
Blue YAG (Yttrium Aluminium garnet-a synthetic crystalline material)Refractive index- 1.83
Specific Gravity- 4.6 (approximately) affording it substantial heft as compared to tanzanite. Also it will not display Pleochroism.
Purplish-blue synthetic corundumPleochroism- purplish-blue to light grayish-blue.
Refractive index- 1.76 to 1.78
Specific Gravity- 3.80 to 4.05
Synthetic blue forsteriteStrong Pleochroism, blue to pink.
Refractive index- 1.63 to 1.67
Specific Gravity- 3.2


There is no universally accepted method of grading colored gemstones. Tanzanite One, a major commercial player in the tanzanite market, through its no-profit subsidiary, The Tanzanite Foundation, has introduced its own color grading system. The new system’s color-grading scales divide tanzanite colors into a range of hues, between blue violet and violet blue.Clarity grading in colored gemstones is based on the eye-clean standard, that is, a gem is considered flawless if no inclusions are visible with the unaided eye (assuming 20×20 vision). The Gemological Institute of America classifies tanzanite as a Type I gemstone, meaning it is normally eye-flawless. Expect gems with eye-visible inclusions to be traded at deep discounts.

Pleochroism is a phenomenon associated with colored gemstones. What happens is light reacts differently as it enters a gemstone creating two or three different colors that can be viewed when the gemstone is viewed through a device known as the dichroscope. Some stones, for instance untreated tanzanite roughs display this property even without using the dichroscope. Simply rotating the stone against a light source will exhibit colors in the different orientations.