by Sheweta Dhanuka
It is an alloy of gold and a few white metals for example silver and palladium. It is measured in karat and could be used of any karat like 18kt, 14kt, 9kt and so on. 18kt white gold implies that it is a mixture of 75% gold and rest 25% of silver and palladium.
Engagement ring is the most important jewelry item for women because it is the pledge to love the would be better half forever. For women finding her true love and getting engaged is very special and close to her heart. She waits and dreams for this exceptional moment since the minute she discovers about it. Therefore, engagement ring is the most precious asset to her for her lifetime.

The engagement rings are fashioned in exquisite designs using different metals like white gold, yellow gold, rose gold, platinum, titanium, sterling silver and stainless steel. All metals are suitable for making attractive rings in any design. It is always advised to collect the general know-how about the jewelry items before making the final purchase in order to make accurate and successful acquisition. Therefore, this content provides all purpose information and facts about white gold engagement rings. The below text would acquaint the potential buyer with this metal and the rings made using it.
Young women adore white gold engagement rings across the globe. In the content, rings would refer to white gold rings. These rings are relatively new to the jewelry lovers however; it is gaining recognition and popularity at a very rapid alacrity. In order to provide complete information about the main focus in the best possible way, a small note concerning white gold is proffered before the brief on the subject of the rings.
What is White Gold?
White gold is created by mixing gold and white metals. In other words, it is an alloy of gold and a few white metals for example silver and palladium. It is measured in karat and could be used of any karat like 18kt, 14kt, 9kt and so on. 18kt white gold implies that it is a mixture of 75% gold and rest 25% of silver and palladium. During the initial days when white gold was introduced for making jewelry items, nickel was used instead of palladium in the alloy but now utilization of nickel is completely closed because it causes skin allergies to many people.
It differs from yellow gold in terms of metal used in making the alloy. Silver and palladium are used for white gold whereas copper and zinc are used for yellow gold. Gold is same for both but the difference in colour comes due to the change in the other metals used in the alloy.
Rhodium Coating
The jewelries made using this spectacular metal need to be coated with rhodium in the end in order to acquire bright white colour. Without rhodium plating the jewelries especially the rings would look dull gray in colour because that is the natural colour of white gold. On the other hand rhodium is pure spotless white in colour and very hard. Therefore its plating gives intense white appearance. Conversely, with passage of time and regular use the brightness of white colour of jewelries grows fainter and it need to be re-rhodium plated to get back the desired glow. All jewelry items made using 9kt, 14kt or 18kt white gold shall have the same look, as all are plated with rhodium. On the contrary, without the coating 18k ring would be brighter than the 14kt ring.
White Gold engagement Ring price
This wonderful metal is costlier than yellow gold because palladium is little more expensive than copper and zinc. On the other hand this fascinating metal is much more affordable than platinum. Platinum is double the price of white gold as it is denser and is used in its pure form (approximately 95% platinum and 5% other metal). It does not require any rhodium plating because it is pure bright white in colour.
Uses of white gold
It is widely used for making exquisite jewelries venerated by people in every corner of the world. Rings made up of white gold are acquiring fame amongst the fashion conscious group of the society, possessing classy choice. Pendant sets in delicate designs are pretty apt for casual attire. Modern jewelry designers create mesmerizing jewelries of white gold with precious and semi-precious gemstones that makes women more beautiful with a grace.
Populous prefer to buy engagement rings of this captivating gold mainly because of two reasons – one it consists of more stylish look over the yellow gold and it is half the price of platinum. The jewelry bazaars are swamped with attractive designer rings and it becomes very difficult to make the right purchase. And if someone plans to surprise her fiancée then it happens to be more crucial to buy the best between all the available choices. Engagement ring is a very exceptional ring so it has to be a diamond ring. Buying this special ring would be a never forgettable experience (as it costs more than the months cash inflow) and for her it would be treasure for the entire life with the package of happiness. To make right purchase of rings one should read-through this write-up comprehensively before buying and must convoy her best friend while buying.
The first most important step is to decide the amount one plans to spend for the ring as the price starts from the minimum and there is no maximum. Price varies in two aspects; one is the karat of gold and other is size of the diamond and precious gemstone if any. Diamond is precious and it expresses the love for the other person irrespective of its size. Therefore, if the budget is less one could select smaller size and so on.
White Gold engagement ring Setting
There are four different types of ring setting viz. bezel, prong, chevron and invisible. As per the frequency and use of the ring, setting has to be decided. Bezel setting is appropriate for daily wear and also for rough handling. In this setting, white gold rim surrounds the stone from its entire circumference and is extended a little on top of the stone. It shields the edges of the diamond or any other gemstone. In few rings, partial bezel setting is also used, which is also known as semi-bezel or half-bezel. In this setting bezel rim encircles just half of the diamond/stone, keeping it locked and letting other stone visible. Invisible setting was developed in France many years ago. In this type, groove in every single stone strap is placed into the white gold frame beneath the surface in a way that the metal is seen, so stones are sited next to one another, crafted into common surface.
Prong setting is idyllic for solitaire rings. In this setting, gem is placed into more than two gold prongs giving it shape of basket, later the split ends of the prongs are curved over in a way that it rest against the gemstone, keeping it tight without leaving any space. It is also called as claw setting. Chevron setting is not very popular for engagement rings. However, some people like it very much so it totally depends on individual choice and fondness. Some designs are created using more than one setting for the single ring. It too could be a good option.
White Gold Karat
Rings are made using 9K, 14K and 18K gold. Any karat could be selected, as all are apposite and durable. The 9K and 14K rings are certainly priced less than 18K rings but the value of money is best realized in 18K gold and even the luster and vividness of the stone is excellently highlighted in it.
Stone Selection for your engagement ring
Diamonds used in the rings could be of any shape and style. It could also be paired with ruby or emerald if someone’s fiancée has a keenness for these precious stones. Many creative and innovative designs are fashioned with attractive pairing between diamonds and these gems. Besides only diamond rings alone could also articulate the passionate love towards her.
Quality of the Stone
The gemstone quality is judged on the basis of four vital Cs namely, colour, cut, clarity and carat weight. Colorless, oval or princess cut, maximum clarity and high carat weight are the pinnacle points of these four distinctive characteristics. As the gemstone traits falls from these peak points its value in terms of money decreases.
White gold engagement ring selection
Rings for engagement should be eye-catching and notable all by itself. For this imperative occasion designs of the rings with center stone are supreme as it suits the delicacy and criticality of the affair. Center stone bordered with other stones further enhances the beauty. Rings without center stone is not at all fit for this most awaited event no matter how many diamonds are studded in it.
White gold rings must not be worn at the time of swimming or working with home cleaning agents or harsh chemicals etc as chlorine present in swimming water or cleaning agents eats away the nickel metal other than gold in the alloy and causes skin allergies. And also in water the rhodium plating tends gets removed much faster. Therefore, while buying the rings always ensure from the seller that the white gold alloy consists of palladium instead of nickel. This observable fact is more common in 9K or 14K white gold. Hence, 18K jewelries are much better choice. Secondly, ensure the credibility and reputation of the seller before buying diamond, ruby, emerald or sapphire ring from him. Always insist to take the certificate of authenticity for the gemstone before giving the final payment.
White gold engagement rings are acknowledged as an icon of love and proposing. When a gentleman asks his lady for her hand in marriage and in his life, this splendid ring is presented making the moment extremely poignant and memorable for the couple and also the people present for this awe-inspiring occasion. The man takes away the heart of the woman and with this sensational ring he promises to give all his love and happiness to her for rest of their life!!