by Apoorva Rangan

Firstly, seek your beloved’s liking. If there is a surprise element attached to it, then take her out on a shopping spree and casually ask her what kind of ring she prefers whether she likes a particular precious stone embedded amidst her ring or does she wish for a simple self gold design.

Summary:Firstly, seek your beloved’s liking. If there is a surprise element attached to it, then take her out on a shopping spree and casually ask her what kind of ring she prefers whether she likes a particular precious stone embedded amidst her ring or does she wish for a simple self gold design.

It is such a magical moment, when two souls slip rings on to each other’s hands and fall into a passionate slumber only hoping how early they will tie the wedding knot. An engagement is a respected ritual written down in the Vedas… the meaning still remains the same- just that the ways of performing it has become flamboyant through the decade. Well this simple guide will help you choose the right ring for your beloved. Firstly, seek your beloved’s liking. If there is a surprise element attached to it, then take her out on a shopping spree and casually ask her what kind of ring she prefers whether she likes a particular precious stone embedded amidst her ring or does she wish for a simple self gold design.

Try to ask your beloved her choice for ring styles and cuttings she finds most appealing obviously, you want to flatter her for a lifetime. Secondly, you should consider whether the colour of the metal will suit the person’s complexion. E.g.: Gold, Platinum, Silver Secondly, you need to know if the particular metal is suitable for your loved one. (Certain metals cause allergies if the skin is sensitive). Determine your budget and how much you have allocated to purchase the engagement ring. Take an opinion from your close ones like your family and friends as buying jewellery from a known seller is reliable and can be trusted in terms of quality and price, thereby giving you a good bargain. If the ring chosen has any precious stone with it then the following aspects have to be looked at:

1) Clarity: If the stone is a diamond which most people prefer the diamond should be clear without any inclusions because lesser the inclusions higher the value of the diamond.

2) Colour: The colour of any precious stone should be it’s natural shade else the authenticity of the precious stone is lost and you can be rest assured that it is an imitation.

3) Carat: Any precious stone is measured in terms of carat. It is the number of carats that determines the weight. The higher the number of carats higher the value of the stone. It is necessary that you decide the weight of the ring depending on the usage. You should discuss with the jeweller how much of the metal is to be used as eventually the ring should be sleek and light to wear on. Essentially, every minute cost should be chalked out on paper to avoid any future complication for example if you are placing an order the making cost, wastage cost etc. Subtly, try to slip in your beloved’s ring or simply sneak away one of her rings from her jewellery box that fits her ring finger perfectly.

Even better if you can take her to select the ring. You need to be careful in selecting the design of the ring: Some of the simple attributes to be considered while selecting an engagement ring are as follows:

1) It has to be convenient to wear.

2) It should be suitable for everyday use.

3) It has to look really good at the first glance.

4) If the ring comprises any precious stone they have to be secured intact.

If you decide to buy a diamond ring make sure you obtain a ring certificate from the jeweller stating the authenticity of the diamond.


by Pragna Prabhu

The Victorians believed that the heart is connected by a vein to the fourth finger: the ring finger. But always the circle remained an obvious choice for the shape of a ring because a circle has no beginning or end, just like true love should be. An engagement is the happiest time in a to-be-married couple’s life. So most men make painstaking efforts to make this event memorable. The choosing of that perfect ring for that perfect woman often becomes a difficult and stressful decision. As most men rarely spend that kind of money on jewelry, this can hurt a little bit.

To many people, of all cultures, an engagement ring is the ultimate symbol of romantic love and devotion. Getting engaged is one of the most exciting times in a couple’s life. A decisive moment in which they consent to a life together. This is traditionally celebrated with a ring, popularly a diamond ring, the most precious stone of all. But first, let us take a walk down history and see how the tradition of proposing with rings came into existence. The tradition of engagement rings started with the caveman and the first engagement symbols were reeds or grasses woven into a cord or even sometimes leather.

True to caveman standards, these cords were used to bind together the hands and the feet of the chosen mate of a caveman! Finally when fully assured that she would stay with him, he tied a cord around her finger. Entertaining, but there is no certainty that this is true. The tradition, as we know it today, was started by the ancient Greeks. Their ring was called a ‘betrothal ring’. Etymology traces the word ‘betrothal’ back to the Anglo-Saxon word ‘troweth’ which means truth. Quite simply put an engagement ring symbolized true love and true friendship. Celtic cultures used their loved one’s hair for their rings. The earliest recorded history of a diamond engagement ring dates back to the year 1477, when the Archduke Maximillian of Hamburg gave a diamond ring to Mary of Burgandy to celebrate their engagement.

Since then, till today, diamonds have remained a popular choice of stone for an engagement ring. The Victorians believed that the heart is connected by a vein to the fourth finger: the ring finger. But always the circle remained an obvious choice for the shape of a ring because a circle has no beginning or end, just like true love should be. An engagement is the happiest time in a to-be-married couple’s life. So most men make painstaking efforts to make this event memorable. The choosing of that perfect ring for that perfect woman often becomes a difficult and stressful decision. As most men rarely spend that kind of money on jewelry, this can hurt a little bit. The final decision as to which ring to buy depends on style, workmanship quality, your fiancie’s preferences and of course, the price. It is also important to keep in mind that though diamonds are traditionally popular, other precious and semiprecious stones can look terrific without burning a sizeable hole in your wallet.

Gems and minerals like topaz, citrine, peridot, onyx, agate, opal, turquoise, beryl, lapis, tourmaline and malachite are iridescent, lustrous and beautiful, their rainbow hues a complement to your fiancie’s personality. A few tips can go a long way in helping you make an educated purchase decision. An engagement ring is a gift of love and should be as special and unique as the bride. Quite a few jewelers offer the option of designing your own ring to make a perfect match for the woman in your life. So if you don’t think its too much hard work, you can build your own ring from scratch. You can also indulge her by allowing her to choose any ring she wants. This is advantageous because what woman is going to turn down a proposal like that? But if you are planning to surprise her, then it’s a good thing to remember that old saying ‘Diamonds are girls best friend’. Diamonds have an enduring timelessness that is symbolic of the constancy of your love.

Sapphires come a close second and then the other precious stones of emeralds and rubies. Now if you’ve decided on the gemstone, the next step is to consider the four ‘C’s’ which stand for carat, color, clarity and cut. A little homework before you hit the shops will stand you in good stead. There is also a fifth ‘C’ and that is the cost. It just comes down to what you like and how much you feel you can spend. It’s for you to decide if you want to go over the top and buy her a ring which will land you up to your eyeballs in debt. Wedding lore suggests a month’s salary is what you should pay for a ring for your bride-to-be. Decide on your top budget and try your best to keep within it. Most jewelry experts would be glad to advise and help you to choose.

Choosing a matching setting is important. Settings come in a variety of metals and styles. Most engagement rings are set in gold: yellow, white, two-toned or the hugely-popular platinum. Platinum is white-hot and in-vogue. Its rich brilliance brings out the fire in a diamond and is an ideal foil for it. Gemstones come in various shapes and cuts: round, princess, baguette, pear, marquise, oval and cabochon, round being the most popular. A general thumb rule to go by the carat weight is that the price increases exponentially with size. So now you know your budget, shape and size. Shop around with various jewelers. An engagement isn’t a time to stint nor is it the time to go into bankruptcy. Accidents can happen so don’t forget to get your insured as soon as possible, just in case. Another point to consider here is that most women wear their engagement and wedding rings together.

Make sure the wedding band suits the engagement ring. For all you old fashioned sort of guys who want to give your mother’s or granny’s engagement ring or a family heirloom, jewelers offer to reset it in a more modern setting and the band adjusted to fit. Traditionally the ring is presented as a betrothal gift by a man to his prospective bride, but it is increasingly common today for a woman to buy her man a ring too. In fact, in Germany both the man and the woman wear engagement rings. So all you free-spirited women who want to pop the question to that special man in your life, wait no further. But it is truly the thought that counts, the intention of love and future marriage and your ring should represent all what you feel for your intended. Whatever decision is made with regard to a ring, it is ideally sealed with a kiss because an engagement ring, has been, is and will be a promise of a fine future together.


by Mathew Abraham

Since you intend to surprise her (although she may have been expecting it) you have to be discreet in searching her heart for that special ring of her desire. You can get a lot of advice and help, but the best way is to use your own heart – along with the following guidelines! There are three fundamental aspects to take into consideration when selecting a diamond ring: the stone, the metal for the band, and the design and setting.

Summary: Since you intend to surprise her (although she may have been expecting it) you have to be discreet in searching her heart for that special ring of her desire. You can get a lot of advice and help, but the best way is to use your own heart along with the following guidelines! There are three fundamental aspects to take into consideration when selecting a ring with diamonds: the stone, the metal for the band, and the design and setting.

Diamonds are girls best friendThe custom of giving or exchanging engagement rings varies from place to place and from person to person. Some girls even go along with their boyfriends to select the ring. But romantic women have a tendency to fall in love with gifts from their lovers, so the ideal option is for you to present the ring to your girlfriend when you proposes to her. It should be the most precious and unforgettable moment of her life – the moment when you are promising to love her and take care of her eternally. The timing must be perfect; the place must be perfect; the ambience must be perfect; and the ring must be truly exceptional! It should be everything she has ever wanted in an engagement ring – all her dreams come true. It should melt her heart because, once she accepts it, you will both start planning for your wedding, your honeymoon, your family and your future. Since the ring symbolizes everything you feel for her, make sure she loves the ring as much as you want her to love you. Stones like aquamarine, sapphires, emeralds, topaz, tourmaline, etc. are becoming trendy choices for engagement rings. But, unless you’re sure your girlfriend doesn’t like diamonds, go for diamonds – women just love that white fire!
The Perfect Diamond Engagement Ring
So how do you go about finding this perfect diamond engagement rings ? First of all you should become familiar with your special woman’s taste in jewelry. Since you intend to surprise her (although she may have been expecting it) you have to be discreet in searching her heart for that special ring of her desire. You can get a lot of advice and help, but the best way is to use your own heart – along with the following guidelines! There are three fundamental aspects to take into consideration when selecting a diamond ring: the stone, the metal for the band, and the design and setting.
Choosing The Right Stone
The stone is the first thing your girlfriend will be attracted to, so it better be something truly special and impressive. Sparkle is far more important than size. You don’t have to spend more than you can afford but don’t be cheap! Once you give her the ring, your fiancée will be waving her hands all over the place – especially before her family and friends. She wants to show off the ring, to let them see the size and sparkle and hear their “oohs” and “aahs”. She wants to hear them ask, “From where did he buy it?” and “How much did it cost?” So don’t buy a ring that she will be ashamed to display in public. You don’t have to waste your money and make her think you are a spendthrift. Just get her an affordable dazzler from a reputed jewelry store. Use your heart and your head in deciding on the cost. And don’t forget to bargain for a reduction in price.

Diamond Engagement Ring

It is not too difficult to figure out how diamonds are weighed and priced. Diamonds are weighed (or measured) in carats, grains and points. 4 grains make a carat and 25 points make a grain – i.e. 1 carat = 4 grains = 100 points. The cost per carat is calculated something like this: if a 0.5-carat diamond costs $X, a 1-carat diamond will cost about $3.5X, and a 1.5-carat diamond will cost around $6X. While flaws reduce light reflection and sparkle in the diamond, clarity increases both. Look for a stone that really flashes white fire. The cut determines the brilliance in a diamond, and sparkle is what diamonds are about. A well-cut diamond will produce a dazzling effect. The best diamonds have no color – just a brilliant white light blazing out. You can even go for a colored diamond, but they can be fairly expensive. Though white is the traditional choice, you should also take your girlfriend’s taste (and your financial status!) into consideration.
Choosing The Right Metal
Most women prefer platinum, gold or white gold for the band. The choice generally narrows down to 18k or 14k yellow, white or rose gold. Make a careful study of your girlfriend’s jewelry and you will know what she likes. If you can afford it (and she likes it) go for platinum. That’s something she’ll really love.
Choosing The Right Setting And Design
The setting and design should be exquisite as well as sensible. Women may be more romantic than men, but they are generally more practical as well. You must know what suits your girlfriends taste and lifestyle best. There are four points to be taken into consideration in selecting the design: it should be uncomplicated and practical, it will be worn daily and must be suitable for rough use, it should hold the stone (or stones) firmly and securely, and finally it should look really grand and make her feel really great!
The Proposal
Now that you have selected the ideal stone, her favorite metal, a fascinating design and the perfect setting for the diamond, you have to propose to the woman of your dreams and offer her this beautiful token of your love for her. It should be an absolutely priceless and eternal moment, an emotionally charged event that fills her with unimaginable joy and a love that she has never experienced before. Take every care to ensure that all the arrangements and the environment are ideally suited to her special tastes. And don’t forget to kiss her when she accepts the ring and you!
A Happy Ending
So now you have it all. If you follow the above advice, every time your woman sees the stone on her finger she will remember the moment you proposed to her and the wonderful emotions she experienced. It is better to get a smaller stone with good clarity, cut and color than a larger stone with no glitter. Spend your money wisely. Get advice and help from her girlfriends and also from married friends – but make sure they keep it a secret. Buy her that diamond engagement ring she will love forever and her heart will be yours forever.

For affordable Engagement Rings, Diamonds and Ideal Cut Diamonds, visit James Allen


by Sheweta Dhanuka

Ancient history reveals that the bloodstone first occurred when at the time of crucifixion, few blood drops of Christ fell and stained the stone jasper lying down near the foot of the cross. As the red spots were considered to be the blood spots of Christ, the stone was attributed special cosmic, magical and healing power. Thus, after that day people started wearing this gemstone to cure all the blood related diseases. This is the reason why dark green coloured stone with red spots is named as Bloodstone.

Bloodstone is chalcedony quartz. It is also called as Heliotrope. This additional name is derived from Greek words meaning sun as bloodstone with red spots implies reflection of sun in an ocean. It is an alternative birthstone for the people born in the month of March. Unfortunately, it is not an anniversary gemstone.

This semi precious gemstone is closely associated with Christianity. Ancient history reveals that the gemstone first occurred when at the time of crucifixion, few blood drops of Christ fell and stained the stone jasper lying down near the foot of the cross. As the red spots were considered to be the blood spots of Christ, the stone was attributed special cosmic, magical and healing power. Thus, after that day people started wearing this gemstone to cure all the blood related diseases. This is the reason why dark green coloured stone with red spots is named as Bloodstone.

This magical stone is inexpensive semi precious gemstone but still many clever sellers deceive the buyers easily with their tricks. Bottlestone and Fancy Jasper are the misleading terms frequently used in the jewelry market. Thus, this article offers few buying tips that would help the buyer in purchasing the genuine Bloodstone gem and the different jewelry items made using this gemstone.

The main source of Bloodstone gem is India. Thus, it is used in many of Indian ayurvedic medicines. Other countries producing this gem are Australia, Kathiawar Peninsula, Brazil, China, South America and USA (Wyoming). The wide availability of this gemstone makes it quite affordable stone.

Bloodstone is dark green in colour with red spots. The green shade appears due to chlorite content in the composition. The spots present on the surface of the gemstone are usually red and can be brown or multi-coloured too. Traditionally red spots were believed to be the blood drops of Christ but scientifically these spots occur due to the presence of iron oxide in the chemical composition of the gem.

Genuine Bloodstone gem possess bright shining. Bright shine is one of the characteristics to identify the natural gemstone. It is non porous and opaque in nature. As it is opaque the clarity is not taken much into consideration while selecting the gemstone.

It is easily cut into different shapes like round, oval, octagon, emerald, cushion and cabochons. Cabochon is the shape most in demand for ornaments choice. Bloodstone set as cabochon in 18K yellow gold or sterling silver makes amazing jewelry.

Its wide shapes, polished look and low cost make it a popular gemstone choice. Many females like pendent and rings with large size of bloodstone. Brooches made up bloodstone are also preferred. The suitable diameter of brooch can be 2.80 cm or 1.10 inches that can hold pure bloodstone brooch of 11.50 gram (7.39 dwt).

For those who cannot afford large size stone jewelry can select smaller size gemstone jewelry items. For example pendent made up of sterling silver having bloodstone gem size between 18mm to 10 mm. The pendent can hold the gemstone either in prong or mount setting and can be easily worn in 16 inches or 18 inches sterling silver chain. Similarly, earrings in different designs are also available having gems or beads in sizes between 8mm to 12mm. Like females, males too like to wear bloodstone. It is used as a sealstone in male’s signet rings.

Bloodstone is widely used as beads. Beads are also given different cuts like oval, round and baroque shapes. Mostly sterling silver is used for making jewelry from bloodstone beads. Plain necklace with bloodstone beads looks quite attractive irrespective of the shape. Beads of same size or different sizes can be used for making the necklace. 18 inches or 45 cms is the ideal length of the bead necklace. Like necklace, bracelets are also created from bloodstone beads. Beads size between 6mm to 10 mm makes attractive bracelets that cover the full wrist delicately. While selecting the beads buyers should ensure that the entire beads in the necklace together offer synchronized look. It should have similar brightness and colour shade.

It is 7 Mohs on hardness scale. Inspite of being quite hard, it has to be protected from sharp blows and scratches. Household solutions and cosmetics containing harsh chemicals can also spoil the natural beauty of the stone. Also extreme temperature changes must be avoided. Bloodstone needs to be always kept dry else moisture would ruin the polish of the gem.

Bloodstone is the gemstone that fulfills the desire of wearing gemstone jewelry of the people belonging to every age group and price range. Bloodstone gem can be a very good option that makes the wearer beautiful and close to GOD !!


by Madhubanti Rudra

Gemstones have become the most sought after item as Valentine Gift. Apart from lending color and vibration to the jewellery wardrobe, they also make your love life stable and exciting. That is why today gemstones are accepted as the most significant Valentine’s Day gift.

The Importance of Gift on Valentine’s Day
The phenomenon of love is eternal. The world has walked into a new millennium, but men could never escape the appeal of love and romance. Even today when everything in this world is measured in a materialistic scale, millions of people around the world come out of the frantic schedule of their daily chores to take part in the joy of the celebration of love. Each year, the 14th day of February is observed with much fanfare and enthusiasm. Although the origin of Valentine’s Day is shaded in mystery and controversy, the age old tradition of exchanging gifts between the two lovers still continues. As such, gift is the quintessential theme of this age old celebration. Because, valentine gift is the conduit that bonds the two loving souls. It speaks of the affection you silently nurture in your heart for your valentine.

Gemstone : A perfect Valentine Gift
Finding a proper valentine gift is not an easy task whatsoever. Being expensive is not the only virtue that makes your gift special. A gift is valued only when it gives pleasure to the person it is meant for. If you are confused over the choice of the gift for your valentine, the only object you can blindly trust on is a piece of gemstone, precious or semi-precious. Because of many reasons, gemstones as valentine gifts have lately become a rage worldwide. First of all, jewels have always been universally esteemed for their value and sophistication. Then the innovative strategies endorsed by the leading International Jewellery Houses launching every year affordable and light weight but cute ranges of gemstone Jewellery, specially designed for the auspicious occasion of Valentine’s Day, also worked for the tremendous popularity of gemstones as valentine gifts among the stylish young lovers. Then the phenomena of jewelleries’ becoming increasingly uni-sex, also contributed to its huge acclaim as valentine gift. They are no longer viewed as the objects that only men present to the girls to impress them. The earning and confident women of today also opt for gemstone gifts for their lovers.

The value of Gemstone as Valentine Gift
Underneath the dazzling beauty of gemstones, there lie immense Meta physical currents that have been highly respected since antiquity. In addition to the magical healing prowess, some of them yield wonderful effects on relationships, by strengthening bonds between two lovers. These love stones, as claimed by renowned astrologers world over, exude positive cosmic energies to create wonderful chemistry between two loving souls by strengthening fidelity and steadfastness in their relationship. Thus, gemstones become the most significant Valentine’s Day gift.

Selection of Gemstones
Now when you have decided to greet the arrival of love in your life with the flashes of gemstones, you have to chart out a well organized plan for the final purchase, for gemstones come with limitless varieties of colors, shapes and sizes. Gifts for any occasion become meaningful when they signify the occasion or the event. Valentine’s Day is the festival of love, and love is essentially associated with such symbols as the tenderness of heart, the bright hues of red and fragrance of roses. So it is advisable that you buy the gemstones based on these themes. Here is a broad guideline to help you organize your choice of gemstone for your valentine.

The brightness of red is essentially associated with love and romance as the color red ignites within you the passion and excitement. The world of gemstones is full of red wonders, each of which has a unique beauty of their own.

To begin with, Ruby is a traditional favorite as a valentine gift. Famously called, the King of Red stones, Rubies are associated with passion and romance that knows no limit. The Rubies are available in different hues of red, ranging from light pink to bright crimson. The more vivid the color is, the stone becomes more expensive. But when it comes to the question of opening of your heart to somebody you love so dearly, the factor of price becomes irrelevant. Still, if you have to mind the size of your purse, there are plenty of laboratory- grown rubies are available these days which rival the natural ones in their color and luster, but at an affordable cost.

Another coveted red stone is the Spinel. Once adorning the British Crown, these red stones, rich in color and brilliance are often confused as being Ruby. These uncommon exotic stones are sure to kindle love and admiration for you in your beloved’s heart.

Probably among all the red stones, the Garnets provide the most affordable option. Available in all shapes and sizes, a Garnet pendant or ring make wonderful budget gift for your valentine.

You can also opt for Rubellite, the red variety of Tourmaline. The specialty of this stone is its large size. A heart shaped large piece of tourmaline is an all time hit as valentine gift.

Although Diamond is not red in color, it universally symbolizes long lasting relation and strong bonding and always regarded as the most romantic gift that a woman can ever wish for. All over the world, the top diamond dealers introduce special diamond jewelleries at special prices for the occasion Of Valentine’s Day. A diamond is something that your fiancée will keep close to her heart for ever.

If your valentine celebrates her birthday on February, then your task of finding out the proper gemstone gets easier. In that case, a beautiful Amethyst will speak your heart for you. A Rose quartz also makes a great gift whose pink charm is something sure to make your sweetheart fall head over heel for you.

Personalized gemstones
Every gift bears the message of good wish, but they become unique when they are made personalized. You can personalize your gemstone gift by inscribing the name of your lover within the gemstone, a service that is offered by all the leading jewelers at a minimum cost. You can also inscribe some special messages. For example you can propose your sweetheart by presenting her a diamond solitaire, with your proposal inscribed within it.

The heart shaped pendant or earrings with brilliant gemstones undoubtedly make intelligent gifts for Valentine’s Day. But if you want to give your sweetheart something more unusual, you can consider the following options.

Body jewelleries are great fashion statement these days. A belly ring with a small shining stone can be a very fashionable gift. The anklets with small pieces of multicolored stone speak of your admiration for the beauty of your beloved.  Presenting a brooch in the shape of rose and red in color can just fly her off her feet.  If you like to make a simple statement of love, then give her a hair pin with a sparkling stone flaunted on it.


by Seema susheel

The interesting factor with diamond is that it can be cut into many fancy shapes and hence the buyer has many diamond shapes to choose from. The fancy shapes are attractive as the diamonds shine and brilliance depends on the way the shape of a diamond is and of course the cut.

To get engaged is a special moment in every individual’s life. To make this special moment memorable couples give each other engagement rings. Almost all the time, couples worldwide choose to buy a diamond engagement ring as diamond is forever and like diamond they wish that their relationship will stay shinning forever. An important decision is to choose the right ring, as the ring will stay shining testimony to this special day, for a lifetime. Apart from many other things choosing the right shape of the diamond is an important factor to decide on. The shape and cut in the diamond determines the luster and shine. The shape and cut though related are two different things and shouldn’t be mixed up. The shape is the form of the diamond and cut refers to the reflective qualities of the diamond.

Different diamond shapes
The interesting factor with diamond is that it can be cut into many fancy shapes and hence the buyer has many diamond shapes to choose from. The fancy shapes are attractive as the diamonds shine and brilliance depends on the way the shape of a diamond is and of course the cut. These fancy shapes are many and are generally named as round, princess, emerald, pear, oval, asscher cut, marquise, heart, radiant cut and triangle cut.

diamonds : round brilliantRound shaped diamond
Diamond is usually round and round shaped diamond is extremely popular too. The round shape is popular as it has the maximum shine and brilliance and would fit in to any design and style of the engagement ring. From a solitaire to a band of diamonds, or three stone ring. The round shape diamond has the maximum number of facets as compared to other shapes hence this is the only shape in diamonds which shines the brightest.

diamonds : princessPrincess shaped diamond
This shape of a diamond is traditionally the square shape with step smaller square on top which gives it a royal look. It’s basically a rectangular shape that was designed to get the maximum brilliance from a square shape diamond. This is the most popular shape in engagement ring diamonds as it gives a brilliant brilliance when viewed from all the angles. This particular shape is much more preferred in a solitaire diamond engagement ring.

diamonds : emeraldEmerald shaped diamond
The emerald shaped diamonds are square shaped with rounded corners. The shape resembles a box when looked down from above. The name ’emerald cut ‘comes from the fact that emerald was cut in the same way. The emerald shape has fewer facets as compared to the round diamond but still is popular as it resembles a clear sheet of glass. The emerald cut comes in square as well as rectangle shape.

diamonds : ovalOval shaped diamond
The oval shape is also a popular choice of diamond engagement ring as its closer to being round and fits all designs. The oval shape gives the finger a more slender graceful appearance; hence it’s a popular choice among the women. This shape is a popular choice for a three stone engagement ring. The brilliance is typical of a round diamond but the difference is the exciting shape little away from the ordinary.

diamonds : pearPear shaped diamond
This shape is similar to a pear and also resembles a droplet. The rounded bottom with both sides tapering together on the top forming a diamond drop is very enchanting. It’s a pretty shape which accentuates long slender fingers.

diamonds : heartHeart shaped diamond
As the name suggests the shape is of a heart which is difficult to achieve in a diamond. Apart from the trouble the good thing is that as the heart is the symbol of love, and the diamond is the symbol for eternity, when a diamond is heart shaped it becomes a symbol of everlasting love. All around the world heart shaped diamond engagement rings are more popular and most sought after.

Asscher cut shaped diamond
This unique shape looks similar to the emerald cut but the only difference is that it’s square while emerald cut diamond also comes in the rectangle shape.

diamonds : marquiseMarquise shaped diamond
The shape of a marquise diamond is such that it will appear big and give you a much larger-looking brilliant diamond. This fancy-shaped marquise diamond looks beautiful set in any design. The shape is enhanced to its full potential when surrounded with side stones. The length of this particular shaped diamond accentuates the fingers and makes them appear long and slender.

Tips for right shape for your engagement ring
You have decided to get engaged, you have also decided to get yourself and your fiancé a diamond engagement ring. You and your fiancé have decided to have matching engagement rings and want to shop together for the ring. Once you have decided which company to buy from, you need to place an order. The shape of the diamond determines the entire look of the ring hence to decide on the shape will be the first step. If it’s a solitaire then as the diamond is a stand alone an attractive shape is very important. You should go for a shape that suites your personality and physical build up and complements your entire persona. A shape that also enhances the look of the diamond, and adds to the shine and brilliance of the diamond. A shape which is classy and elegant, and has a style statement that won’t fade away with time. A shape which gives you more out of the diamond. For example you can’t have a huge well built man wearing a tiny heart shaped finger ring, or a small built dainty women wearing a huge emerald shaped finger ring. Engagement ring is going to be worn through out life and it has to complement your each and every dress and occasion. It’s not necessary that the costliest of the diamond is the best looking one for you hence you can always make the right selection by going for the right shape, cut, color and design to make the perfect ring that will add a sparkle in your life forever.


by Seema susheel

Clarity is the purity of the diamond. Almost all diamonds naturally will have some very minute inclusions or grain trapped inside or blemishes on the surface, all these factors effect the clarity of the diamond.

The four c’s, criteria
Diamond Clarity

There are four c’s which are considered while pricing as well as buying a diamond. The four c’s are cut, clarity, color and carat. Each of these c’s is important and only when in harmony, there is a perfect, brilliant diamond. The cut determines the way light would reflect from its surface causing the overall brilliance. The color is the amount of color seen in the diamond. The more the diamond is colorless the higher is its value. Carat is the size and diameter of the diamond. The bigger the carat weight the higher the price. Clarity is a factor that we will discuss in detail in this article.

The clarity criteria
Clarity is the purity of the diamond. Almost all diamonds naturally will have some very minute inclusions or grain trapped inside or blemishes on the surface, all these factors effect the clarity of the diamond. As the name clarity suggests when the diamond is clear without any internal inclusions and outside blemishes it’s pure and valued high. If there are no flaws in the diamond the light will reflects smoothly without any obstacles and hence the over all look of the diamond will be stunning. The clarity plays an important role in buying a diamond and grading a diamond for its value.

100% clarity = purity
Rough DiamondsThe GIA or the Gemological institute of America and the AGS or the American Gem Society two national organizations in America have developed a grading system from long years of research and education. Any diamond supplier manufacturer and retailer have to follow the countries recognized and accepted guidelines to grade the diamond according to its clarity, cut, color and carat. Similarly in countries worldwide similar national organization have been made to create guidelines and grading system to value diamonds so as to ensure that the customer gets value for his money and he has an authority to verify the quality of diamond he buys. Clarity is an indication of a diamond’s purity. All diamonds, except the most rare, have tiny traces of minerals, gases, or other elements that were trapped inside during the crystallization process. To determine a diamond’s clarity a professional with a trained eye uses a 10x-power binocular microscope. There are very few diamonds which are flawless and because of this uniqueness they are graded high.

Many times almost most of the diamonds have inclusions and blemishes. The grading system checks on the position and type of the flaw and puts it in the value report of the diamond. At times the inclusion is very minute or is in a position which is not noticeable by a naked eye then the diamond doesn’t loose its value so much. The flaw doesn’t make much of a difference to the shine and look of the diamond then the buyer can make the diamond his own. In any case the buyer has the right to know the in and out of the diamond he buys. For example if the customer is given two choices to go for a diamond with a small flaw which is not noticeable and is priced lesser then the diamond which is flawless, he could go for the first one with a small flaw as he gets a bargain. A small flaw has got him a discount. Only when the retailer and the customer are aware of these inclusions will the customer have a choice.

Types of inclusions
There are certain common types of inclusions that are named so as to later grade a diamond by the type of inclusion.

One type is the Diamond crystals which are small diamonds trapped inside the bigger one. This naturally occurs while the diamond is formed. These again come in different shapes. Many customers find it interesting to find a small baby diamond inside a bigger one.

Pinpoint inclusions are tiny dotted inclusions or crystals inside the diamond. It looks like a tiny dotes of light when viewed under high magnification. These types of inclusions are not mentioned in the grading report as they are very tiny and difficult to find. They are mentioned as ‘pinpoints not shown or shown’ in the comments of the grading report.

A cloud is another type which is basically a cluster of pinpoint inclusions together giving a look of a cloud. The size of this cloud formation bigger or smaller affects the clarity of the diamond. A smaller cloud which is not noticeable is not considered as a clarity issue as its translucent and not visible from the naked eye. The light source used to evaluate the inclusions determines the visibility of the inclusions.

A needle is a long thin needle shaped inclusion inside a diamond. They appear as a streak of light inside the diamond. Many times some diamonds also have cluster of needles together.

A knot is another inclusion type which is a crystal appearing on the surface of the diamond. This crystal appears as a knot and diamonds having a knot inclusion is rejected as the inclusion is visible to the naked eye and it degrades the beauty of the diamond.

A Feather is another kind of inclusion which is basically a crack or fracture in the diamond which is referred to as feather. If the feather is located inside the body of the diamond then it doesn’t pose a threat to the durability of the diamond, but if it’s on the edge then there are chances that the diamond might break during the setting process. Seasoned buyers with an eye for detail and track record for quality diamonds won’t go for a diamond with a feather inclusion.

The clarity of the diamond you buy is an important criterion you can’t ignore as you are going to give in a lot of money to go for your dream purchase hence you can not compromise on the quality.


by Seema Susheel

The latest trend is the vibrant semi-precious colorful stone jewelry set in white gold or platinum. Semi-precious stones like Amethyst, Aquamarine, Saphire, Pink color diamonds and pink and grey pearls jewelry are in rage too.

Create jewelry collection for your wedding
As wedding is the most important moment in your life, you want to look your best on that special day. Marriage is a turning point in your life and you prepare for your new life by buying your jewelry. Special care and attention is given to purchase stunning jewelry for the bride so that she looks the best on her ‘The Day”.

Choosing wedding jewelry
To own the perfect piece of jewelry which grabs everyone’s attention and also make you look like a queen is every girls dream. To make this dream come true, there are many avenues open; all you would need is the money and the inclination to own an amazing piece of jewelry. The way importance is given to the bridal dress for the wedding day equal care is taken to buy matching jewelry to compliment the dress. Wedding jewelry is not the jewelry you used to wear to your college or fun dos, chunky, fancy imitations jewelry made of metal and colorful beads. Wedding collection is precious beautiful jewelry, an asset that would last for a lifetime and be an heirloom to pass to your next generations.

There are hundreds of jewel houses storing a stunning range of jewelry in gold, platinum, diamonds, pearls and many more. To add to this there also is the option to buy jewelry online in one of the much popular and reliable jewelry selling websites.

The wedding jewelry collection – Brides dream
A must buy and almost always the first buy for the wedding is the wedding ring. The purchase of rings solemnizes the preparation for the wedding. In all cultures worldwide wedding ring is the symbol of marriage and hence first item for your jewelry collection is the ring. The ring is a piece of jewelry you wear everyday of life; it’s constantly in your finger reminding you of your partner. The ring has to be durable and stylish. Studded with semi-precious stones and set in gold or platinum the wedding ring is the first most precious buy for a couple. Many even opt for a matching pair. Most even opt for real diamond rings as they are precious testimony to the love the couple share. The wedding ring could be a solitaire or a plain gold band.

The next buy for the wedding ceremony is the jewelry the bride will wear on the wedding day. A necklace, matching earrings andbracelet is the basic number of jewelry items but the number can increase based on different individual choices and cultures. In western culture where in the bride wears a white wedding gown they choose jewelry to match the attire. The most popular is a diamond set or a pearls set. The latest trend also is the vibrant semi-precious colorful stone jewelry set in white gold or platinum. Semi-precious stones like Amethyst, Aquamarine, Sapphire, Pink color diamonds and pink and grey pearls jewelry are in rage too.

As compared to their western counterpart’s young brides in Asian countries like India would go for elaborate gold jewelry, necklaces, earrings, nose ring, bangles, anklets jewelry to adorn their hair and many more to match their red and gold colored dress for their wedding day. Different kinds of jewelry, everyday wear to grand pieces all the jewelry is bought readymade or made to order from the jewelry shop the family trusts. Gold is the most popular precious metal in India and hence almost all the wedding jewelry is made in gold. Varied contemporary designs mix and match gold with diamonds, pearls, rubies, corals, black beads, jade etc to create fashionable gold jewelry but the old charm of traditional old styled jewelry is still alive and popular.

Buying the wedding jewelry collection
You could make a start to buy the jewelry from a jewelry shop. Choosing a jewelry shop which stores a wide variety with latest designs in all materials is the first step. See that the jewelry shop is reputed and would give value for money and sell only genuine items. If you are buying a diamond jewelry do not forget to ask for diamond certification. The guarantee the shop will give towards the jewelry you buy will assure that you will get prompt, free service in case of repair. You want to have a piece which looks different than the usual then you can also get a designer jewelry made to order from the shop.

You will have to fix a budget as well as put a full stop to your greed to own all the amazing jewelry sets you see. You will have to think whether you are going to find occasions to flaunt the jewelry you buy. So choose jewelry which is simple stylish and elegant and can be worn in all occasions, as all the time you don’t have to look like a bride. You could invest in one piece of jewelry which is more elaborate and grand and expensive then the other pieces say an all diamond set complete with matching earrings for any special occasion. There will be many occasions in your future life where you will find reasons to purchase new jewelry sets to increase your jewelry collection.

You could shop online to save time and surf through many different designs and jewelry pieces to choose what you want. There is wide range of latest worldwide collection for you to choose. You could pay online and the jewelry you ordered will be on your doorstep in no time. Online jewelry shopping is the best solution for people whose wedding is coming just around the corner and they have no time to hop shops.


by Ritika Changrani

An engagement ring is a symbol of your love and commitment and hence an extremely important piece of jewelry. Princess cut engagement rings are all the rage lately and yet have their own distinct elegance. Ordinary square cut diamonds are out and the more sparkly square modified brilliant cut is in.

princess cut engagement ring

The name itself sounds so exotic that you are drawn to it immediately. A Princess cut engagement ring – the perfect ring to spoil and pamper your lady? Yes, it is definitely one that will win her over. The name is attractive but what exactly is it? Read on to find out more about Princess cut Engagement rings.

The importance of an engagement ring cannot be overemphasized. It is probably the most unforgettable piece of jewelry that you will ever buy. Knowing this, you surely would like your engagement ring to be special, to stand out amidst all others. It is, after all, an expression of your love and promises for a lifetime of happiness with each other.

Princess Cut Engagement RingThe modern brilliant cut was invented about sixty years ago. The barion cut, which was the precursor of the princess cut was first introduced by Basil Watermeyer of Johannesburg about thirty years ago. The princess cut is a big improvement for square cut and oblong diamonds. It is actually a modification of the round brilliant cut. The technical term for this cut is the square modified brilliant cut.

The princess cut works best on deep stones. If a rough stone is likely to turn into a square final shape, a princess cut may be the best option. The weight retention in such cases is the maximum, thus lowering the cost per carat. And square cut stones have their own unique appeal when it comes to ring settings. Princess cut diamonds can be set in a continuous line without any gaps between them as it happens in case of round stones. They have a distinct elegance unsurpassed by others.

Princess cut stones have a series of v – shaped facets all along the pavilion, which results in the stone having square corners. Since so many extra facets have been created, these stones appear to be more sparkling than others. When these are set in engagement rings, the overall effect is stunning as the ring has a brilliant shimmer. As opposed to ordinary square cut diamonds, there is more weight retention in princess cut diamonds and also the final rings have a more glamorous effect.

Since an engagement ring is so special, choosing the ideal ring is extremely important. It is one piece of jewelry that will be cherished for a lifetime and worn regularly, so utmost care should be taken. A lot of thought needs to go into buying the right engagement ring. One has to consider the wearer’s likes and dislikes. Before making the final purchase, it would always be better to ask the woman to have a look at it. She has to wear it so she should have a say in it, after all. And if you don’t want to tell her as it is meant to be a surprise, know her taste a little. Princess cut engagement rings are all the rage now so she might like to opt for one rather than a traditional round cut diamond ring.

If you want to select loose diamonds and then have them cut as per your requirement, choose deep stones. The princess cut does not work well on shallow stones so you need to be careful. The final stone will look good if the rough one is slightly square or oblong in shape, just as round diamonds obviously are more appealing than oval ones. If the rough stone is oblong and long, it is always better to opt for an emerald cut or a baguette cut. Princess cut stones have a four edges (those of the square) that can tend to be sharp. This is why such stones should always be mounted in such a way so as to protect the edges. The points can be exceptionally sharp and are vulnerable points so correct mounting is vital. When you purchase a princess cut engagement ring check to see if the edges are jutting out or it is well protected. The kind of mounting will give you an idea of the skill of the jeweler and the quality of jewelry in the shop.

Diamonds are most vulnerable when they are in the process of being set because force is usually applied to the corners, which is one of its most delicate parts. Damages done during the process can be repaired by re polishing but it is an expensive affair and also causes delay. The stone may, sometimes also have a small weight loss. This holds true for diamonds as well as other stones but the problem is bigger for stones with corners. Many technical aspects need to be looked into, if you buy loose diamonds, have them princess cut and then set them in an engagement ring. If you do not know much about such stuff, it is always advisable to buy a ready engagement ring. If princess cut stones fascinate you, you can opt for one from wide array of rings available at all leading jewelry stores.

The Princess cut is not for diamonds alone. Many other gemstones look magnificent with a princess cut. Sapphires and emeralds look great when cut in the princess style. Lighter colored stones or preferably the more transparent ones would show well with a princess cut. Darker colored stones would hardly have any effect and all efforts spent on cutting and the money will probably be a waste. The extra faceting will be shown to its greatest advantage on colorless stones like the diamond. So, you can buy a princess cut engagement ring that need not necessarily be one set with diamonds. If sapphires appeal to you, for example, you can opt for a princess cut sapphire engagement ring.

Princess cut solitaire rings are very much in vogue and are also ideal as engagement rings. So, if you want to go for a ring that is elegant yet chic, modern yet classic, princess cut engagement rings are definitely an interesting option.


by Sheweta Dhanuka

It is an alloy of gold and a few white metals for example silver and palladium. It is measured in karat and could be used of any karat like 18kt, 14kt, 9kt and so on. 18kt white gold implies that it is a mixture of 75% gold and rest 25% of silver and palladium.

Engagement ring is the most important jewelry item for women because it is the pledge to love the would be better half forever. For women finding her true love and getting engaged is very special and close to her heart. She waits and dreams for this exceptional moment since the minute she discovers about it. Therefore, engagement ring is the most precious asset to her for her lifetime.

white gold engagement ring

The engagement rings are fashioned in exquisite designs using different metals like white gold, yellow gold, rose gold, platinum, titanium, sterling silver and stainless steel. All metals are suitable for making attractive rings in any design. It is always advised to collect the general know-how about the jewelry items before making the final purchase in order to make accurate and successful acquisition. Therefore, this content provides all purpose information and facts about white gold engagement rings. The below text would acquaint the potential buyer with this metal and the rings made using it.

Young women adore white gold engagement rings across the globe. In the content, rings would refer to white gold rings. These rings are relatively new to the jewelry lovers however; it is gaining recognition and popularity at a very rapid alacrity. In order to provide complete information about the main focus in the best possible way, a small note concerning white gold is proffered before the brief on the subject of the rings.

What is White Gold?

White gold is created by mixing gold and white metals. In other words, it is an alloy of gold and a few white metals for example silver and palladium. It is measured in karat and could be used of any karat like 18kt, 14kt, 9kt and so on. 18kt white gold implies that it is a mixture of 75% gold and rest 25% of silver and palladium. During the initial days when white gold was introduced for making jewelry items, nickel was used instead of palladium in the alloy but now utilization of nickel is completely closed because it causes skin allergies to many people.

It differs from yellow gold in terms of metal used in making the alloy. Silver and palladium are used for white gold whereas copper and zinc are used for yellow gold. Gold is same for both but the difference in colour comes due to the change in the other metals used in the alloy.

Rhodium Coating

The jewelries made using this spectacular metal need to be coated with rhodium in the end in order to acquire bright white colour. Without rhodium plating the jewelries especially the rings would look dull gray in colour because that is the natural colour of white gold. On the other hand rhodium is pure spotless white in colour and very hard. Therefore its plating gives intense white appearance. Conversely, with passage of time and regular use the brightness of white colour of jewelries grows fainter and it need to be re-rhodium plated to get back the desired glow. All jewelry items made using 9kt, 14kt or 18kt white gold shall have the same look, as all are plated with rhodium. On the contrary, without the coating 18k ring would be brighter than the 14kt ring.

White Gold engagement Ring price

This wonderful metal is costlier than yellow gold because palladium is little more expensive than copper and zinc. On the other hand this fascinating metal is much more affordable than platinum. Platinum is double the price of white gold as it is denser and is used in its pure form (approximately 95% platinum and 5% other metal). It does not require any rhodium plating because it is pure bright white in colour.

Uses of white gold

It is widely used for making exquisite jewelries venerated by people in every corner of the world. Rings made up of white gold are acquiring fame amongst the fashion conscious group of the society, possessing classy choice. Pendant sets in delicate designs are pretty apt for casual attire. Modern jewelry designers create mesmerizing jewelries of white gold with precious and semi-precious gemstones that makes women more beautiful with a grace.

Populous prefer to buy engagement rings of this captivating gold mainly because of two reasons – one it consists of more stylish look over the yellow gold and it is half the price of platinum. The jewelry bazaars are swamped with attractive designer rings and it becomes very difficult to make the right purchase. And if someone plans to surprise her fiancée then it happens to be more crucial to buy the best between all the available choices. Engagement ring is a very exceptional ring so it has to be a diamond ring. Buying this special ring would be a never forgettable experience (as it costs more than the months cash inflow) and for her it would be treasure for the entire life with the package of happiness. To make right purchase of rings one should read-through this write-up comprehensively before buying and must convoy her best friend while buying.


The first most important step is to decide the amount one plans to spend for the ring as the price starts from the minimum and there is no maximum. Price varies in two aspects; one is the karat of gold and other is size of the diamond and precious gemstone if any. Diamond is precious and it expresses the love for the other person irrespective of its size. Therefore, if the budget is less one could select smaller size and so on.

White Gold engagement ring Setting

There are four different types of ring setting viz. bezel, prong, chevron and invisible. As per the frequency and use of the ring, setting has to be decided. Bezel setting is appropriate for daily wear and also for rough handling. In this setting, white gold rim surrounds the stone from its entire circumference and is extended a little on top of the stone. It shields the edges of the diamond or any other gemstone. In few rings, partial bezel setting is also used, which is also known as semi-bezel or half-bezel. In this setting bezel rim encircles just half of the diamond/stone, keeping it locked and letting other stone visible. Invisible setting was developed in France many years ago. In this type, groove in every single stone strap is placed into the white gold frame beneath the surface in a way that the metal is seen, so stones are sited next to one another, crafted into common surface.

Prong setting is idyllic for solitaire rings. In this setting, gem is placed into more than two gold prongs giving it shape of basket, later the split ends of the prongs are curved over in a way that it rest against the gemstone, keeping it tight without leaving any space. It is also called as claw setting. Chevron setting is not very popular for engagement rings. However, some people like it very much so it totally depends on individual choice and fondness. Some designs are created using more than one setting for the single ring. It too could be a good option.

White Gold Karat

Rings are made using 9K, 14K and 18K gold. Any karat could be selected, as all are apposite and durable. The 9K and 14K rings are certainly priced less than 18K rings but the value of money is best realized in 18K gold and even the luster and vividness of the stone is excellently highlighted in it.

Stone Selection for your engagement ring

Diamonds used in the rings could be of any shape and style. It could also be paired with ruby or emerald if someone’s fiancée has a keenness for these precious stones. Many creative and innovative designs are fashioned with attractive pairing between diamonds and these gems. Besides only diamond rings alone could also articulate the passionate love towards her.

Quality of the Stone

The gemstone quality is judged on the basis of four vital Cs namely, colour, cut, clarity and carat weight. Colorless, oval or princess cut, maximum clarity and high carat weight are the pinnacle points of these four distinctive characteristics. As the gemstone traits falls from these peak points its value in terms of money decreases.

White gold engagement ring selection

Rings for engagement should be eye-catching and notable all by itself. For this imperative occasion designs of the rings with center stone are supreme as it suits the delicacy and criticality of the affair. Center stone bordered with other stones further enhances the beauty. Rings without center stone is not at all fit for this most awaited event no matter how many diamonds are studded in it.


White gold rings must not be worn at the time of swimming or working with home cleaning agents or harsh chemicals etc as chlorine present in swimming water or cleaning agents eats away the nickel metal other than gold in the alloy and causes skin allergies. And also in water the rhodium plating tends gets removed much faster. Therefore, while buying the rings always ensure from the seller that the white gold alloy consists of palladium instead of nickel. This observable fact is more common in 9K or 14K white gold. Hence, 18K jewelries are much better choice. Secondly, ensure the credibility and reputation of the seller before buying diamond, ruby, emerald or sapphire ring from him. Always insist to take the certificate of authenticity for the gemstone before giving the final payment.

White gold engagement rings are acknowledged as an icon of love and proposing. When a gentleman asks his lady for her hand in marriage and in his life, this splendid ring is presented making the moment extremely poignant and memorable for the couple and also the people present for this awe-inspiring occasion. The man takes away the heart of the woman and with this sensational ring he promises to give all his love and happiness to her for rest of their life!!