Piercing as a Canvas for Self-Expression and Body Positivity

Sure! People get piercings for many different reasons. Some want to show off their unique style, while others want to feel more connected to their true selves. Some love the look of jewellery. But no matter if they get a piercing, there’s one thing they all have in common-it makes them feel happier and better about themselves!

Do you know that special feeling when you get a new piercing? You can’t stop looking in the mirror and are amazed by how much you love your new addition. That’s what we’re talking about! It’s a feeling of excitement and empowerment. Getting a piercing can be a way to express who you are and feel more confident. Some people feel like it’s a part of their identity, and it helps them feel more like themselves.

Piercings can also be a way to overcome fears and try something new. They can symbolise strength and courage, showing that you can overcome challenges and become stronger. And it’s not just about the piercing itself – the healing process can be a time of self-care and reflection, helping you appreciate your body and take better care of yourself.

Whether it’s a tiny stud, a cool hoop, or a bold statement piece, piercings can be a source of joy and positivity. They can unite people, create a sense of belonging, and promote body positivity. So, no matter why someone gets a piercing, it’s ultimately about feeling better about themselves and embracing their unique self-expression!

Getting a piercing can make you feel powerful. When you leave the place where you got pierced, you walk confidently, feeling like a total badass and wearing fabulous jewellery like a queen or king. That newfound confidence can even stay with you in your everyday life because you know you look fantastic and have the bravery to get the piercing you want.

Once your piercing is healed and you have your favourite jewellery in it, you can’t help but love yourself a little more. And guess what? That feeling gets even better with each new piercing you get. Some might say it has become a habit, but isn’t it just about becoming the best version of ourselves?

If getting some fresh body modifications helps you feel more love for yourself, it’s a deal you can’t say no to! Embracing who we are and feeling good about ourselves is what it’s all about. So, if a piercing can help you reach that place of self-love, go for it and rock your new look with pride!

Piercings can help break stereotypes about people with body modifications. Some people think only tough bikers get tattoos or that facial piercings are only for those without careers. They even believe facial tattoos can ruin your chances of getting a job anywhere. But the truth is, so many people with various levels of piercings and tattoos have successful careers, families, and friends and know nothing about riding motorcycles.

If you have more visible modifications, remember that you become a representative of the whole modified community. People might judge all others with changes based on their actions. To be a good ambassador and show the world that having a tattoo or piercing doesn’t stop you from achieving your dreams. They can be a meaningful part of your dreams!

Oh, and if you ride a motorcycle, whether you’re modified or not, please wear a helmet. We care about you and want you to stay safe and sound!

Piercings and other body modifications can be a form of visual art. When we are born, our bodies are like blank canvases. Some people prefer to keep them that way, while others love to decorate them! Your mods can be a simple accent to highlight your favourite features, commemorate special moments in your life, or just be there because they look pretty. Not every piercing needs to have a deep meaning behind it, and that’s okay. Sometimes we get them just because we like how they look, and that’s a valid reason too!

Remember, it’s your body; you can choose how you want to adorn it. If you wish to add a few extra accents or cover it in sparkly gems and charms, it’s all about what makes you feel good and confident in your skin. Embrace your uniqueness and express yourself through the beautiful art of body modifications!

Here are some simple reminders for taking care of your piercings:

  1. Aftercare is crucial for proper healing. Use sterile saline wound wash to keep your piercing clean and happy while it heals.
  2. Avoid touching or playing with your jewellery, especially with dirty hands.
  3. Choose a reputable piercer who uses titanium jewellery to ensure a positive piercing experience.
  4. If you encounter any issues with your piercing, don’t apply tea tree oil or boiled salt water. Instead, seek help from your piercer.

Remember, people get modified for their own reasons, but the common thread is that we all love our piercings. Embrace your piercings with confidence and empowerment. They shouldn’t stop you from having the life or look you desire; instead, they should give you the self-confidence to go out there and make it happen!

Navel Piercing Problems

In body adornment, belly piercings have emerged as a timeless and captivating form of self-expression. Spanning cultures and centuries, this intriguing practice has symbolized beauty, confidence, and individuality. From ancient traditions to modern fashion trends, belly piercings have transcended time, captivating both wearers and admirers alike.

Belly piercing, a popular and stylish body modification, can encounter various issues during healing. While this form of self-expression has stood the test of time, it’s essential to understand and address potential problems to ensure a smooth healing journey.

Although it is a sensitive subject, navel piercing issues have become a prevalent topic on the internet lately. Despite its popularity, belly piercing healing can be challenging and demands specific anatomy and care. If you have recently acquired a naval piercing showing signs of slow recovery or discomfort without any apparent infection, it is crucial to consider the following factors. This discussion excludes obvious cases of infection, as those are relatively easy to identify and treat. If your belly piercing doesn’t display signs of infection but exhibits abnormal behavior, continue reading for further information and guidance.

Belly Piercing Problems

To successfully get a belly piercing, it is essential to have specific anatomical features. By ensuring that your navel possesses a well-defined top lip, adequate depth, and satisfactory length, you increase the likelihood of a successful and visually appealing navel piercing. It is crucial to consult with an experienced piercer who can assess your individual anatomy and provide personalized advice based on your specific navel structure. Remember, everyone’s navel anatomy is unique, so what works for one person may not work for another.

If you lack the lip, you may consider a floating belly piercing, a surface piercing that mimics the appearance of a traditional belly piercing. However, if you observe that whenever you sit down, the top part of the jewellery is pushed upwards and out of the piercing hole, it indicates that your navel doesn’t provide enough space for the piercing. In such cases, consulting with your piercer about using a shorter barbell or a smaller bottom end is advisable. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that there may be situations where the issue cannot be resolved due to your anatomy.

Slow Healing and Discomfort-Another crucial factor to consider is the type of jewellery used for your belly piercing. While asymmetrical belly rings with larger bottom ball ends may look appealing, they are unsuitable for initial piercings. When you choose a belly ring for your piercing, it’s important to avoid ones with a large ball at the bottom. The weight of the bigger ball can cause problems during the healing process. It can create pressure bumps on the skin or make the jewellery move around too much. This can slow down the healing and cause discomfort.

So, it’s best to opt for a belly ring with a smaller and lighter bottom end to ensure a smoother healing experience. Additionally, the material of the jewellery significantly affects the healing process. When it comes to belly piercings, the recommended choice for jewellery is ASTM F-136 titanium. This type of jewellery is considered the industry standard because it is safe and high-quality. It’s important to look for belly rings made from this specific type of titanium. Additionally, it’s preferable to choose jewellery with threadless or internally threaded ends.

This ensures a secure and comfortable fit for your piercing. By opting for ASTM F-136 titanium jewellery with threadless or internally threaded ends, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are using the right type of jewellery for your belly piercing. It’s important to note that black jewellery should never be used for piercing purposes, regardless of its aesthetic appeal. Titanium cannot be anodized black, so much jewellery may pose potential risks.

Friction from Clothing and Lifestyle-If you frequently wear high-waisted pants, it’s essential to consider that they might contribute to your belly piercing issues. The friction caused by clothing rubbing against a new piercing can impede the healing process, mainly when the piercing is located on the torso, which experiences a lot of movement. It will create a barrier between your piercing and clothing, preventing rubbing or irritation. Additionally, cleaning your belly piercing twice daily using a sterile saline spray, typically used for wound cleaning, is essential. This practice is considered the industry standard for aftercare and effectively promotes proper piercing healing.

Irritation and infections are common problems with any piercing, including belly piercings. Irritation can result from rough clothing, excessive cleaning, or exposure to harsh chemicals. Infections, on the other hand, are usually caused by improper aftercare, poor hygiene, or contamination. Recognizing the signs of infection, such as persistent redness, swelling, pain, or discharge, is crucial. If an infection is suspected, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional who can provide appropriate treatment, typically involving antibiotics.

Migration and rejection are potential complications associated with belly piercings. Migration occurs when the jewellery shifts from its initial placement, while rejection is the body’s attempt to push the jewellery out ultimately. Both issues can be influenced by inadequate anatomy, excessive movement or friction, or using improper jewellery. If migration or rejection is suspected, seeking advice from a professional piercer is crucial. Prompt removal of the jewellery, under professional guidance, can minimize scarring and aid in the healing process.

Experiencing rejection is never pleasant, and it can be particularly disheartening when it happens to your piercings. Suppose you notice specific signs, such as reduced skin coverage over the barbell of your jewellery, redness, a more significant fistula, or heightened prominence of the barbell under the skin. In that case, your piercing may be going through a rejection process.

Rejection occurs when the body starts pushing the jewellery outward until it eventually gets expelled by external factors or naturally falls out. If you suspect your piercing is rejecting, it is highly recommended to consult your trusted piercer. In cases of a rejected piercing, it is crucial to remove the jewellery. Allowing the jewellery to work its way out independently can result in more severe scarring than promptly removing it under professional guidance.


The belly piercing has stood the test of time and remains popular. However, it is crucial to understand and follow some essential guidelines to ensure that your belly piercing heals successfully, becoming a cherished adornment rather than a mere scar with a story. Keeping these fundamental factors in mind and following proper care can increase the likelihood of a positive outcome for your belly piercing journey.

While belly piercings offer a fashionable and timeless form of self-expression, one must be aware of potential problems that can arise during the healing process. By following proper aftercare, using appropriate jewellery, and seeking professional guidance, you can navigate and overcome belly piercing problems, ensuring a successful and satisfying piercing experience.

Piercings Named after People: Exploring The Stories Behind Piercing Names

Piercings Named after People: Exploring The Stories Behind Piercing Names

Since the origin of piercings, they have become iconic because there are people who popularized them. Even some piercings are named after people that leave a mark on the world of body piercing and carry the legacies of those who connect with them. You will be surprised to know how those piercing’s names originated. Below are some of the popular piercings that are named after people.

  1.  Bridge Piercing /Earl Piercing

The bridge piercing gained popularity in the late 20th century when people wanted a piercing to another level. This piercing is done on the bridge of the nose between your eyebrows horizontally. The unique positioning of this piercing makes it different from other facial piercings. Dan Kopka did the very first bridge piercing, and he named it Earl Piercing. The first person who got this piercing was Erl Van Ekan. Thus bridge piercing was named after him.

  1.  Upper Lip Piercings /MONROE/MADONNA

This is one of the prevalent types of upper lip piercing. This piercing provides a bold accent to the upper lip when adorned with beautiful jewellery. The name Monroe/ Madonna was given to upper lip piercings after Marilyn Monroe’s iconic mole that was present on the left side of her lips. However, it is called Madonna (infamous popstar) if it’s on the right side because her mole was on the right side. These prominent ladies were popular because of the placement of their moles and  became beauty icons that inspired people a lot that they named the piercing after them.

  1. Inverted Vertical Labret Piercing/ ASHLEY

 This piercing has recently emerged and is also termed “Ashley” Although there is less evidence as to how it got the name, people assume that it might be the first woman Ashley who got this piercing, or it may have come from the piercer who developed it. It looks like a vertical labret or jestrum, but unlike other traditional labret piercing that carries entry and exit points on the outside of the lip, Ashley piercing has an exit point on the inner side of the mouth, thus creating a charismatic look. As time passed, this piercing gained popularity and started known as Ashley Piercing.

  1.  Philtrum Piercing /MEDUSA ‘

A facial piercing is an ideal way to be unique, and Medusa can’t be missed on anyone’s face. You might have heard the name Medusa in Greek mythology. Whoever turns around to see her becomes a stone. The name Medusa is given to the Philtrum piercing because the central position is so prominent on her face, and this piercing resembles it. This piercing enhances facial features and gives you a bold and unique look that grabs everyone’s attention.

  1. Tongue Frenulum Piercing/MARLEY

This unique oral piercing gained popularity in recent years and was given the name “Marley” to acknowledge the legendary Jamaican musician Bob Marley. He was recognized for his distinctive image and reggae music. Moreover, he was a musician who often used to show off his frenulum by extending his tongue. This inspired people to get their frenulum pierced to make a statement. This piercing is usually done on the frenulum that is present near the tongue and is adorned with jewellery that will create a visually appealing and captivating look.

  1. Vertical Philtrum Piercing /JESTRUM

Vertical Philtrum Piercing is done in the middle of the upper lip. This piercing is similar to vertical labret, but the only difference is it is done vertically on the upper lip and then the bottom lip. This piercing is also known as Jestrum piercing. The name was given to it by Derek Lowe of Saint Sabrina, who first did this piercing on a woman named Jesika Bornsen so he combined the first initial with the word “philtrum”. In the early 21st century, this piercing gained distinction in piercing communities and body modification.

  1.  Anti-Eyebrow Piercing /CLEOPATRA

Anti-eyebrow piercing has gained popularity in recent years due to its visually striking characteristics. It is a surface piercing that is done below the eyebrow and can be adorned with a small dermal anchor or surface barbell to create a delicate and eye-catching effect. Cleopatra was the Egyptian pharaoh queen known for her alluring presence and beauty. She uses fashion and ornamentations to express her power and allure; thus, the name Cleopatra was given for anti-eyebrow piercing not because she has the piercing but because of her distinctive facial adornments this name is given to pay homage to her fashion sense and iconic beauty.

  1. Deep Snug Piercing/ RAGNAR

Deep snug piercing is one of the rare piercings done through the inner cartilage fold of the ear, also called an antihelix. Due to its versatility, it gained popularity. There Ragnar Stedt. She was the first person who got this piercing; thus, it was named Ragnar Piercing; surprisingly, around 2002, the first formal photograph of this piercing was done under the label Ragnar. Although Ragnar does not have a generally recognized historical background due to its aesthetic appeal and captivating look, it inspires people to get it done.

Concluding to this, there is always a story behind any piercing. The piercings, as mentioned above, are a few of them. Every piercing has a historical background and cultural significance. People feel connected with the piercing spiritually and ritually. The piercings named after people hold a special place in the world of body piercing. There is always someone who popularized the particular type of piercing that now becomes a trend. Thus, naming the piercing after people pay tribute to those influential figures and encapsulates their influence on piercing culture.


It is in human nature that they love to experiment with different ways to look unique and different from others. Nevertheless, nowadays or young generation is keen to experiment with their bodies by getting tattoos or piercings. Finger piercing is just one of the upcoming trends that attract the youth these days.

Yes, you heard it right; finger piercing; you might get astounded, and many questions will arise in your mind like How it can be done?

 Does it hurt your finger or not etc.? This blog will give you a complete understanding of finger piercing. Keep reading if you decide to go for it.!

What is Finger Piercing?

If we talk about this piercing, it is generally a type of surface dermal piercing where your whole hand can be pierced. It is not your regular piercing; in fact, it’s different from other piercings, so you need to consider a lot of things before getting it done.

There is always some history behind every piercing of how it started, But finger piercing is not such an old trend; it was initiated by some Millennials from New York when married couples pierced their fingers with diamonds instead of wearing engagement rings. This trend is now spreading around Britain, also known as the “engagement ring trend.”

A finger piercing is a quite new idea, and it is done on any part of the finger as micro dermal piercing. A micro dermal piercing differs from a regular piercing as the plate or anchor is placed just underneath the skin and the top screwed onto it. As fingers are the most used body part, sometimes the risk of infection or rejection is high, making it difficult for the piercing to heal.

Procedure for Dermal Finger Piercing

– The piercing specialist takes a sterile needle or a dermal punch and hygienic piercing jewellery, which is all packaged together in a sterile bag

– Piercer will then cleanses the skin with a surgical scrub, and to make it painless, your piercer will apply a numbing cream.

– a sterilized needle will be used to make a hole or perforation into the skin 

– A pouch will be created beneath the surface of the skin where the piercer will place the plate or anchor of the jewellery by using forceps, and then the top of the jewellery will be screwed.


For every kind of piercing, aftercare is the most important thing. Finger piercing can cause lasting damage, but you can reduce the risk with care.

  1. Keep the piercing area clean with a saline solution every time.
  2. Avoid touching the piercing to avoid infection
  3. Avoid using fragranced soaps, detergents or lotions on the pierced skin.
  4. Limit the movement of your fingers, and don’t disturb the piercing
  5. This piercing might take one year to heal; till then, take good care of it.

Will a Finger Piercing Hurt?

The answer is yes, it can be hurtful, but I’ll let you in on a secret- it can be, but it’s not terrible! Your piercer will use numbing cream to lessen the pain, so put your faith in their expertise.

Jewellery Types

Jewellery recommended for this type of piercing includes an anchor or a late implanted below the skin; you have to screw it from the top. Like a regular piercing, you can change the top part of the piercing with the jewellery of your choice.

Considering the area’s sensitivity, the piercer recommends not to disturb the jewellery and avoid changing it more often as it might irritate.


Thus before getting your finger pierced, make sure to opt for a professional pierce and be prepared and careful when getting the piercing as there are perilous nerves, vessels or tendons that may get affected. The movement of the finger might cause problems like late healing or rejection of the piercing. Keep in mind the following thing before going for it

  1. Find a professional piercer who has prior experience in dermal piercing
  2. Try reaching out to people who have already done it; speak to them to get an idea
  3. Ask questions related to it, including healing time, pain level, precautions etc