
Charoite Facts

Charoite Facts


Charoite Properties


Chemical Composition It is a form of rock having silicate of potassium, calcium and sodium. The chemical formula is (Ca,K,Na)3Si4O10(OH,F)H2O .
Colours White, lavender, lilac, violet and purple.
Hardness Between 5-6 Mohs.
Refractive Index 1.50 – 1.59.
Specific Gravity Approximately 2.5 – 2.8.
Luster Vitreous to pearly.
Solid State Translucent.
Crystal System Monoclinic crystal system.
Cleavage None
Heat Sensitive Yes
Fractures Conchoidal.
Enhancement It is not enhanced.
Source Only one country – Russia.
Precautions Excessive heat, large temperature changes and cleaning through steam and ultrasonic cleaner must be strictly avoided. Also to be protected from harsh chemicals.
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