

by Seema Susheel

Remember how much you spend on the engagement ring doesn’t make your love more or less for your fianci so don’t go about casually buying an engagement ring paying whatever the cost is without thinking twice. Go for a purchase which gives you value for your money as well as peace of mind.


Its your big day, finally you are all set to buy the sparkling engagement ring for your fianci ,the piece of jewellery that will be constantly with her, reminding every now and then that she is so special to you. It’s an emotional event and a lifetime special purchase. So how do you go about buying an engagement ring, here is a quick guide to help you through.

* The best way to go about the whole procedure is to take your fianci along and let her choose the perfect ring for herself. The ring should suite her finger and her lifestyle and she is the best person to choose the ring. But if you want to keep the element of surprise then you have to go about buying the ring yourself. You don’t want her to know about the pricing and payment issues then you have to just put in little thought and buy the ring yourself. Finally when you are all set to choose and buy the ring then there is lot of nuances to take care of. The following are certain points you will have to keep in mind while buying the engagement ring.

* First of all get the ring size. To keep the surprise you will have to get one of your fianci’ rings when she is not looking, even if you can’t and have bought the wrong size many jewelers can alter the ring size later too.

* A ring usually consists of two parts a diamond and a setting, find out what kind of a setting your fianci would love, gold, platinum or silver.

* While choosing the design you can go for a solitaire meaning a single diamond embedded on the ring which could be gold, silver or platinum. You can also get many different shapes and designs or even choose for a plain gold band.

* Once you have decided on the design and the material the next step is to choose the jeweler. This is the challenging part as there are many options available and you have to choose which suites your budget and convenience.

* Price, variety, and expertise are what you should look in a jeweler. Apart from that the jeweler should also offer you diamond certification which guarantees whether the diamond is authentic. You should also be able to return back the ring if there is any problem and the jeweler should accept it without any hassles.

* Do some research. Ask your friends and family who have already bought engagement rings before; they can help you to choose the right shop where you get value for your money.

* If you are looking to buy a diamond ring then you have to be more careful in choosing the right one which is authentic, right cut, color and size.

* Choose a jewelry store with a credible history and reputation having the latest design trends, and varied designs to choose from.

* If the design or the cost doesn’t suite you be prepared to walk out and not get lured by the salesman talk as you might end up paying much more then the actual cost.

* Find out the gold prize, the loose diamond prize and making charges for the ring, then you can go for custom design made to order by you, this will cut down the cost.

* Go for Quality, Beauty, Simplicity and Reliability.

* Remember how much you spend on the engagement ring doesn’t make your love more or less for your fianci so don’t go about casually buying an engagement ring paying whatever the cost is without thinking twice. Go for a purchase which gives you value for your money as well as peace of mind.

* You can even shop for your engagement ring on the internet, many reputed companies have setup their shops on the net wherein you can go through the choosing procedure selecting from varied designs choosing the type – gold, silver or platinum and cut and size of the diamond and place an order through your card. These companies take care of shipping your purchase to your place in weeks. You can be in any corner of the world and still make a good deal. This process is as reliable as buying a computer through net as you don’t get to see what you order for beforehand you don’t need to panic as these sites are very much reliable and lots of purchases are been made day in and day out.

* If you feel comfortable and you have a huge budget for the engagement ring then you can even shop at the superstore. The one with many branches all over. You might not get a lot of variety as jewelry is just one of the many things they sell.

* Beware of imitations as all that is white isn’t milk and all that shines is not a diamond.

* You can even make a purchase in one of the family owned jewelry shops. The shop though small should have a credible family history. These are the people, who have been making jewelry from their grandfather days. They will be having permanent clients who are buying jewelry from them from generation to generations. These shops though small in size and lacking all the grandeur of an up market superstore can give you a much better deal then the superstore itself. These people won’t charge for the rent, the dicor, salespeople’s salary or the gold wastage.

You pay for what you get and what you see and there is a guarantee as these jewelers have been in business from generations and have built a strong clientele because of their trustworthy service. World over hundreds of people regularly buy jewelry from such family owned jeweler shops as they don’t want to be at risk while buying valuables and they might compromise on the design but won’t do so for the price. If you have a design in mind you can approach these kinds of jewelry shops and place an order, they will make you the piece in a week or two, and you will have your engagement ring and peace of mind that you got a good deal.

* When you go for a diamond embedded in gold ring you spend a huge amount of money, it’s an investment lasting for a lifetime and the one that you can proudly pass on to the next generation. Hence you should always make sure you have the authentic certification of the diamond, so that you can get insurance cover for the ring. In case of any theft you can claim back your money.

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