Is It Safe to Exercise with a New Piercing?

Staying physically active is a crucial part of our daily lives, offering a myriad of benefits, from weight management to heart health, muscle strength, stress relief, and even bolstering our mental well-being. However, what happens when you desire a new piercing, and your piercer advises against excessive movement during the healing process? If you’re a dedicated gym-goer, it might appear challenging to reconcile the two. But here’s the truth: many athletes, including Olympic competitors, proudly sport piercings while maintaining rigorous training regimens. You can do it too.
Should you decide to embark on this journey of combining a fresh piercing with your workout routine, there are essential factors to keep in mind. Let’s explore everything you need to know to ensure the safety of your new piercing while continuing to pursue your fitness goals.”
Exercise With Care
“Post-piercing, your piercer’s recommendation to abstain from exercise might sound like a straight forward way to safeguard your new adornment. While it’s a reasonable precaution, it’s not the only option. Piercers often provide blanket guidelines, such as “avoid the gym,” for simplicity and safety. However, it’s entirely possible to maintain your fitness routine as long as you select workouts that won’t directly impact your fresh piercing.

For instance, if you’ve recently acquired nipple piercings, choosing cycling over running is a wider choice. The jarring movements associated with running can lead to additional chest motion, potentially causing undesirable friction on your delicate nipple piercings. The same principle applies to navel piercings – it’s advisable to temporarily forgo abdominal workouts to prevent undue stress on the area.
The essential rule of thumb is to steer clear of any activities that could potentially bump or snag your piercing. This is particularly crucial for high-intensity, contact-oriented sports like soccer or wrestling.”
Keep Your Piercing Clean
“Exercise environments can undoubtedly get a bit grimy, and when you have a fresh piercing, maintaining cleanliness is paramount. Your regular piercing aftercare regimen becomes even more crucial at the gym. Numerous individuals frequently touch gym equipment, and the last thing you want is to introduce bacteria from others into your healing piercing. Ensure that you keep your hands away from your piercing at all times and make a concerted effort to wash your hands whenever possible.

While perspiration is a natural bodily function and generally shouldn’t pose a significant issue for your piercing, it’s essential to uphold good overall hygiene. After your workout, take a shower. Allow warm water to flow over your piercing site, but avoid using any soap or other products on it. Instead, employ a sterile saline spray to cleanse your jewellery and the surrounding area gently.
It’s a bright idea to keep a can of clean saline spray in your gym bag. If you suspect your piercing may have been exposed to gym equipment or have sweated profusely, promptly spray your piercing for added protection.”
Cover Your Piercing When Possible
Even if you’re not engaging in contact sports, taking precautions to shield your piercing is a wise move. Cartilage earrings, for instance, are susceptible to getting caught on exercise equipment. The same applies to navel piercings, as they may come into contact with various surfaces at the gym. Beyond the risk of a piercing-damaging snag or bump, you also expose your piercing site to bacterial contamination.
Opt for snug-fitting clothing that holds your piercing in place as you move, providing protection from external elements. Avoid wearing garments that constantly rub against your piercing, which could lead to irritation at the piercing site. Another strategy is to use a bandage to cover your piercing, which is especially effective for facial or ear piercings. By keeping your piercings protected, you ensure greater comfort during your workout while safeguarding your piercing.

It’s advisable to limit the use of sports bras during the healing process. Their restrictive nature can exert excessive pressure on a healing nipple piercing, much like the concerns surrounding sleeping positions and piercings. Please exercise caution when using them, and try not to wear them for extended periods.
Consider Bioplast
Changing your piercing jewellery before you’re fully healed is never advisable. However, once the healing process is complete, or if it’s an option from the beginning, athletes might consider incorporating bioplast body jewellery into their sports and workout routines.
Bioplast is a unique jewellery material initially designed for medical applications. It offers flexibility, making it an excellent choice for athletes with bodies in constant motion. Additionally, it can be sterilized in an autoclave, ensuring that your jewellery remains completely clean and safe to use.

Notably, bioplast comes in more than just a single clear option. There’s a wide variety of colours, styles, and gem embellishments available for bioplast retainers, allowing you to hit the gym with a sense of style while keeping your piercing secure.