by Dhanya

Depending on the lifestyle one can decide what is more practical and easy to wear. The higher the setting of the gemstone or diamond the more the ring could catch onto things. Like if one works behind a desk all day, then could wear a high set ring.


The evening was perfect. The lights were dimmed just right. The ring is in your pocket, your heart in your throat! The food is untouched, and the wine is nervously gulped down by you. Your girlfriend looks like an angel, the aura of her beauty is leaving everyone speechless in the restaurant. Your blood pressure is at an all-level peak and the world around is oblivious to you. Finally you pop the question! The ring? Was it the ‘right’ one? The gemstone you use, the setting and the metal you’ve used makes all the difference! There are five important things to look for when you choose your engagement ring. They include, firstly it has to be easy and practical to wear, secondly it has to withstand everyday wear, thirdly it has to hold its gemstones securely, fourthly the gemstone that is used and finally it should look good.

Let me elaborate.  1.Easy And Practical To Wear: Depending on the lifestyle one can decide what is more practical and easy to wear. The higher the setting of the gemstone or diamond the more the ring could catch onto things. Like if one works behind a desk all day, then could wear a high set ring. But if one works as a pre-school teacher or a hairdresser it would be very difficult to wear a high set ring, a well and low set ring would do well.

2.Withstanding Everyday Wear: The metal used and the way the ring with the gemstone is styled is very important. Especially in work places like factories there is a higher possibility your ring wouldn’t last long. Preferably the rings should be made such that the part between the ring and the crown is made strong. Gold wears off faster when compared to Platinum. Gold can be 18ct, 14ct or 9ct and be either white, yellow gold. 18ct Gold, whether it is white, yellow gold is the best and preferred choice for Gold Engagement Rings followed by 14ct. Platinum is now popular in the rings worn by almost one-third of today’s engaged women.

3.Holding The Gemstones Securely: The Gemstones have to be set well such that they are safe and don’t cause too much of a hindrance while doing anything. Here are a few things you can look out for when buying the right ring:

1. 6 claws hold the gemstone better than 4 claws. 2. A heavier setting is better than a light one. 3. A lower setting is less likely to be damaged than a higher setting. 4.The Gemstone used: Many people like the idea of enhancing a birthstone with diamonds; a very hot trend slowly catching up in the market.

Month: January Gemstone: Garnet Symbolizes: Eternal Friendship Color: Semi-transparent, Dark Red

Month: February Gemstone: Amethyst Symbolizes: Faithfulness And Sincerity Color: Clear Purple Or Bluish Violet

Month: March Gemstone: Aquamarine Symbolizes: Intelligence And Courage Color: Transparent Blue, Blue-Green Or Green

Month: April Gemstone: Diamond Symbolizes: It Is Believed To Protect The Wearer From Evil Spirits and Represents Innocence and Matrimonial Happiness Color: Usually Appear Colorless, Others Offer A Hint Of Color Ranging From Soft Blue To Yellow Caused By A Few Impurities

Month: May Gemstone: Emerald Symbolizes: Domestic Harmony And Success In Love Color: Transparent Deep Green

Month: June Gemstone: Pearl Symbolizes: Longevity And Reflects Health Color: Creamy White

Month: July Gemstone: Ruby Symbolizes: Love And Contentment Color: Red

Month: August Gemstone: Sardonyx Symbolizes: Purity Color: White-and-Brown (Variety Of The Onyx)

Month: September Gemstone: Sapphire Symbolizes: Truth, Faithfulness And Good Fortune Color: Rich Blue

Month: October Gemstone: Opal Symbolizes: Hope Color: Mixture Of Colors Against A Soft, Milky White Ground

Month: November Gemstone: Topaz Symbolizes: Fidelity Color: Transparent Yellow To Yellow-Brown

Month: December Gemstone: Turquoise Symbolizes: Prosperity Color: Blue, Bluish-Green Or Green < /P > < P > The Diamonds You Choose: Lookout for the 4 C’s – Cut, Clarity, Color and Carat. One can choose from a variety of colors – using the letter grading system for classifying the color of diamonds, starting with D for the lightest blue tone to Z for the yellow stones. Higher quality Diamonds reflect more light and have a crisp sparkle. The various types of cuts of diamonds are the main reasons for the range of differences in reflections of the Diamonds. < /P > < P > 5.The Looking Good Factor: If there’s a design that you really like, fits your budget and it complies the above four requirements then what are you waiting for? It is difficult it is to find the perfect Engagement ring for your loved one, no doubt but once you find that special ring for that special Girl (Lucky Girl may I say…) it only symbolizes that rare and strange thing called LOVE, treasure it! “Perfect love is rare indeed – for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the flexibility of the child, the sensitivity of the artist, the understanding of the philosopher, the acceptance of the saint, the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain.” -Leo Buscaglia Best Wishes For a Great Engagement Ahead!