Tanzanite Earrings

Tanzanite Earrings

by Madhubanti Rudra

If the essence of a perfect woman is summarized by the words, beauty with brain, a perfect piece of jewellery shows of a tricky combination of affordability and aesthetics. The Tanzanite earrings are examples of perfection, where size of your purse never becomes an impediment on the way of your appreciation for fineries.

Summary: If the essence of a perfect woman is summarized by the words, beauty with brain, a perfect piece of jewellery shows of a tricky combination of affordability and aesthetics. The Tanzanite earrings are examples of perfection, where size of your purse never becomes an impediment on the way of your appreciation for fineries.

Appearance of Tanzanite


Jewelleries are the manifestation of a woman’s inner voice. As such, every woman, especially the liberated woman of today, who loves to live the life on her own terms, always prefers to make a distinctive style statement. This endless craving for the new and exclusive is creating new currents every day international fashion circuit. The jewellery industry exemplifies the same trend. Hot favorites of today are a matter of clichi tomorrow. For example, bold and ethnic motifs which have been ruling the international fashion scenario for quite some time seems to gradually taking the back seat. On the other hand, colorful, semi-precious stones have made a grand entry, creating quite an influential impact on the fashion-savvy youngsters. From an elaborate necklace to a tiny piece of earring, these dazzling semi-precious stones find a place of pride. Of course, in this race of grabbing the bigger share of admiration, a few gemstones are running ahead of the others. Tanzanite is one of them. This comparatively new entrant in the world of gemstones seems to steal the show everywhere with its unusual velvety blue hues.

Tanzanite earring: a unique choice

The earrings are not only the oldest form of ornament; they are also the most basic part of a lady’s wardrobe. Leaving aside all other jewelleries, only a pair of small earrings can make all the differences to your sense of dressing. If the essence of a perfect woman is summarized by the words, beauty with brain, a perfect piece of jewellery shows of a tricky combination of affordability and aesthetics. The Tanzanite earrings are examples of perfection, where size of your purse never becomes an impediment on the way of your appreciation for fineries.

Buying guide of tanzanite earrings

Possession of jewelleries fills you with a feeling of security and confidence and of course lots of happiness. This joy of possession increases many fold, if you make a guided decision. First of all, each piece of ornament is supposed to perform its unique function. The earring, which stays at the closest proximity of the face is supposed to hide the facial flaws. Therefore, shape or size of the earrings must be in accordance with the face cutting, eye colour and hair style of the individual.

An advantage with a Tanzanite earring is that, because of the richness and depth of the colour of this gemstone looks nice in any shape. Only in the bigger stones bluish tone is more prominent, while the smaller stones more purple. However, an earring with a large tanzanite is just perfect on a chubby face. On the other hand small tanzanite stud earrings go well with slim face and high cheek bones. Secondly, so far as the shape is concerned, tanzanites are available in any shape ranging from square, round, pear or heart shapes.

Tanzanites are admired mostly because of its unusual colour assortment- a lavender blue hue that gives it a distinction among the crowd of variety of semi precious stones. The cutting and shape of the stones should be such that it should reflect this splendid colour in its fullest effect. But in the time of picking up a tanzanite earring, choose according to the shape and type of your face. While a big, round tanzanite stud earring will highlight the roundness of one’s face even more, a square stone can make the face look sharper by creating an edgy impact. While floral designs bring an essentially feminine touch, the geometrical patterns emphasize on a vintage look. Thirdly, for a tanzanite earring the choice of the metal is very important. In order to contain and complement the luxuriousness of the stone the metal should be equally rich in its look and element.

Although the use of white gold is most common for tanzanite jewelleries, platinum gives it a touch of sophistication. The beauty of this rare gem can best be complimented by glossy and high polished metals. Fourthly, hoops and studs may be the safest option regarding the design of an earring. But as long as tanzanite is concerned one cam experiment with plethora of designs available in the market. Shoulder brushing earrings with small beads of tanzanite, suspended by thin white gold chains, speaks of someone with highly fashionable bend of mind. A chandelier which is considered the most gorgeous among all types of earrings can be made of with small pieces of tanzanite along with dollops of snow white pearls. Such creations are sure to add extra colour to your moments of celebration. Fifthly, fixing a budget and collecting information about the comparative prices is always a good idea.

Tanzanite Stones

The blue tanzanites are rare and they occur only in the bigger sizes in the range of 10 carats. These stones command higher prices in the international market, while the lavender coloured tanzanites which are available in smaller sizes in 3 – 4 carat range cost lesser. The next important point regarding a tanzanite earring is its scare. Since tanzanite is a softer variety of gemstone like emerald, it is very susceptible to knock and pressure. It is generally recommended that tanzanite should be mounted in a bezel and protected with heavy prongs as much as possible. The gem is also very heat sensitive and likely to develop cracks with sudden temperature change. At the time of wearing and taking it off, protect it from abrasion as much as possible. The contact with harsh chemicals can harm the stone. So always keep it separately in a cotton stuffed box and clean it with ionic solution.

Lastly, while buying the jewelry of your choice beware of the imitation tanzanites. Although artificial tanzanites have not appeared in the market, synthetic corundum and synthetic spinels are often sold in the name of tanzanites. So always choose the jewellery shop carefully. It is important to collect from the jeweler a certificate on the authenticity of the gem stone and a buyback guarantee.