Titanium Jewellery buying guide
Titanium Jewellery buying guide
by Shalina Khemlani
Titanium, a natural element featuring a silver-grayish-white color is used for several purposes! Unintentionally discovered in the year 1791, this metal is extensively used to make durable goods such as aircraft, and some of the sporting goods which would mainly consist of golf clubs, automobile parts, watches, and certainly adorable selection of rings. Deriving from the Titans of Greek mythology, titanium is one of the metals that is in particular known for its tremendous strength. Even though it competes amongst some of the most enticing metals such as gold and platinum, it has still taken its own stand and has been a preferences for hordes of people!
Titanium, a natural element featuring a silver-grayish-white color is used for several purposes! Unintentionally discovered in the year 1791, this metal is extensively used to make durable goods such as aircraft, and some of the sporting goods which would mainly consist of golf clubs, automobile parts, watches, and certainly adorable selection of rings. Deriving from the Titans of Greek mythology, titanium is one of the metals that is in particular known for its tremendous strength. Even though it competes amongst some of the most enticing metals such as gold and platinum, it has still taken its own stand and has been a preferences for hordes of people!
Titanium is one of the most biocompatible metals that does not cause any sort of pain, rashes or discolorations to the human skin. Moreover it is also appreciated for not rusting or getting moldy and rotting after a few years down the line. It has positively proved its qualities of being an exceptional and perfect metal for jewellery for over years now. Titanium metal unlike other does not lose its color for years together. The Titanium jewellery available is quite feasible and economical as it is not one of the precious metals.
When it comes to the titanium rings it may not be as popular as the gold or platinum ones. It’s quite apparent because of the advantage that gold and platinum possess. However on the other hand, Titanium rings attains features such as durable, lightweight, sturdy, produce no allergic reactions, and extremely reasonably priced. Much lighter than metals such as gold or platinum, titanium rings also have an extremely comfortable feel after you put them on. Titanium is particularly known for its sturdiness, in point of fact it is much stronger than steel and hence maintains its shape as far as rings are concerned. These days’ men seem to be going over-enthusiastic about buying titanium rings as it reveals an extra masculine feel to it. The best thing is that it comes in colors like black which is one of the standard colors for men!
Getting into the technical aspects, titanium is segregated on the basis of diverse grades. The aircraft grade is a very strong and durable sort of titanium. There is also unadulterated commercial titanium, which contains a lesser amount of sturdiness and is used to produce several other products. People generally invest in jewellery so that it can be worn lifelong and keeping in mind this thought, most manufacturers generally opt for the higher grades of titanium.
Titanium is also known for offering an out of the ordinary selection of colors which other metals simply cannot match! From blue, purple, blue moon, to night sky and black rainbow colors are some of the most desired among the lot. Titanium jewellery mainly encompasses of titanium rings, jewellery for men and women that is exclusively created out of aircraft grade titanium. In order to take care of your precious and priceless titanium jewellery avoid rubbing against the surface, since the color is an visual phenomenon, and after it getting scratched against any surface it might lose its shine and appear dull or faded. What you could simply do is wash down the pieces in temperate soapy water or alcohol and dry with a very soft paper towel. Presenting the most inimitable and distinctive blends of exquisiteness, strength, light weight and bio-compatibility; titanium jewellery is certainly one of the most sought after metal. Titanium is now growing at a rapid speed in the category of jewellery. It has ventured into domains such as the sports section where it is extensively used to make parts of bicycles, tennis rackets, and golf clubs. Apart from the jewellery and sports equipments it has also successfully managed to make a special mark in the marine hardware, and computer cases territory! Titanium metal is now coming to represent a new standard for excellence. It is considered to have a highest standard of fineness and quality.
Titanium jewellery offers matchless and unsurpassed trendy rich grey tones that are in general provided by platinum except that titanium offers it at a more striking price. The latest research conducted concluded that Titanium has set its foot as the forefront in the designer jewellery group of people. It is a proven fact that by far no metal has been able to capture the market so swiftly and create such a remarkable rise in regard as titanium.
Titanium is a multi faceted substance that has already locked its future in a progressively soaring market. Where other materials have not yet managed to make the grade, Titanium is by now proved itself as one of the real solutions. At the outset, titanium was absolutely used in aerospace; but in the present era it has captured a wide range of applications.