Moonstone Buying Guide

Moonstone Buying Guide

by Seema Susheel

Moonstone is rare gem and is basically found in Sri Lanka, India, Burma and America. Moonstone is usually colorless but also is found with a silvery sheen and many colors like white, sky blue, pink and orange. This gemstone has a hardness of 6 to 6.5 mm which makes it convenient to be shaped in to many different kinds of ornaments and assures that it’s strong and durable.

Why is moonstone known as the moonstone, is it because of its translucent beauty which is similar to the tranquil beauty of the full moon or is it the cooling nature of moonstone that’s similar to the serenity that the sight of the moon gives us. The reasons maybe many but to have a moonstone as a pendant, earring, finger ring, beaded chain or bracelet is like beholding the beauty of moon close to you to cherish for lifetime.

Moonstone- profile

Moonstone is rare gem and is basically found in Sri Lanka, India, Burma and America. Moonstone is usually colorless but also is found with a silvery sheen and many colors like white, sky blue, pink and orange. This gemstone has a hardness of 6 to 6.5 mm which makes it convenient to be shaped in to many different kinds of ornaments and assures that it’s strong and durable. Moonstone is a collector’s item as it’s not available in large quantity and hence you can get good quality and brilliant beauty for a reasonable price. Moonstone is distinctive and beautiful because of the shine it emits, the texture is watery and reflective. The stone looks different when kept in different angles; the moonstone surface observes and emits light differently in different angles. When worn as a beaded necklace or bracelet gives a stunning look as it moves with the body. The play of light with this beautiful stone gives it a magical shine. The soft pleasing color in combination to the impressive shine gives moonstone a more feminine character. It’s been widely used by jewelry designers worldwide to create fashionable jewelry for today’s woman who looks for variety in her jewelry collection. The amazing color range, the striking sheen, and the good quality of stone makes moonstone jewelry a fashion which is catching on fast.

Moonstone jewelry – different styles

The most popular moonstone jewelry is the finger ring. It’s worn as a finger ring because it’s aesthetic or because it suits a person zodiac and would bring luck. There are entire sets of matching moonstone earrings, finger ring, necklace, and bracelet, set in platinum or white gold with diamonds around giving the whole piece a stunning look. The simplest form of moonstone jewelry would be the ever popular single pendant, worn with a silver or gold chain the moonstone shaped as a sphere, pear, grape or a teardrop. This jewelry item is simple yet stunning. The moonstone pendant when worn would gel with the charms of a young girl and it would also supplement the dignity and confidence of a working woman. The moonstone jewelry suits all ages and people with different skin and hair color across the world

Moonstone- mystical properties

Moonstone according to Indian belief is believed to be sacred and is used as a talisman to protect against evil and ill happenings. The women folk are supposed to wear moonstone for fertility and protection during pregnancy. According to the Chinese lore moonstone is believed to balance the yin yang or to say in simple words the moonstone balances the positive and negative energies in a person leading him towards more peaceful and fruitful life. Moonstone is supposed to arouse passion and magnetism among lovers and hence it’s a popular gift between couples. According to Ayurveda moonstone is related to the heart chakra or to say it calms the fear and anxiety and changes these emotions into peaceful understanding and self confidence to face situations without getting all worked up mentally about it. Moonstone jewelry is been popular from the medieval times. There is a lot of excellent moonstone jewelry kept in museums in Europe telling stories of their usage by the royals of yesteryears. Moonstone embedded throne and elaborate neckpieces, charming brooches and finger rings all tell tales of the passion the royals had for moonstone jewelry. The moonstone had smitten them with its shine.

How to go about buying moonstone

The most comfortable place to buy moonstone is through web. You have wide variety of unset moonstone which you can buy online and make the jewelry of your liking. You can even go for moonstone set in jewelry and can find interesting pieces for a reasonable price. You will have to devote a little time towards surfing the net to choose the right website where in you will make your purchase. The website should have a user friendly, pleasing site look and a good range, many options and lot of business going on online. The most important is the customer support they provide and the assurance that your purchase reaches you safely on time. For first time jewelry buyers on net, it’s a little difficult task to choose the right website and the anticipation till you receive the buy on your hand is killing. The difference in monitor settings and color can change the way a gem is pictured in a website. In reality you might not receive the color that you thought you ordered. As nothing can be done with the picture color and the actual not matching you should purchase from a site which assures that it sells only high quality and color gemstones. There should be a hassle free processes of returning back the purchase if you are not satisfied. The site should offer guarantee and give you entire information on the moonstone jewelry you buy. You have the right to know how much you are paying for what.

For people who have a little more time at hand, shopping personally in a reputed jewelry shop is a comfortable idea. You get to see and feel what your eyes choose out of a lot, in set or unset moonstone. You could select an unset moonstone, give the design you like and discuss the price and place an order. The jewelers dealing with the trade of gemstones keeps a range of different shapes, color and quality of the gemstone. The jeweler can source rare moonstone shapes and size from his business partners and totally give you a customized jewelry piece where in you will know what you are paying for.

Healing through Moonstones

Healing through Moonstones

by Madhubanti Rudra

Rainbow moonstone is yet another magic of nature. The multiple hues do not only make it look great, its colorful rainbow effects have the power of cleansing your soul and flooding your inside with plenty of positive energy.

Deriving its name from the beauty of full moon, moonstone has always been revered for its gentle effects across the civilizations. The ancient Romans and mighty Greeks who believed moonstones to be emerged from the moonlight, always kept this stone close to their hearts for many of its magical healing and curative prowess. Even in the turn of a new millennium, people could not ignore the charm of this translucent stone and the soothing effect that it brings to one’s life.

Amazing advancement in science and technology has changed the life of man and his surroundings for ever. In this changed world, natural healing solutions have simply become a rage. Astrological remedies have become the most popular among them both in terms of trust and success rate. All people go through some tough phases of their lives caused by the mal functions of weak planets in their birth charts. According to Indian ancient philosophy, from where the science of Astrology was believed to be originated, the radiations of the natural gemstones are blessed with special “astral” powers. As such, flawless good quality gems are capable of promoting good fortune and health, while poor quality gems may invite bad luck in forms of ill health or loss of fortune.

According to the Hindu scriptures, power of gems emanates from the nine planets known as “nava-graha” which have their specific associated gems and accordingly Pearl is recommended for Moon. Known as Chandramani in Hindu Astrological literatures, the moonstone is recommended as the secondary stone for moon. Moonstone is prescribed for warding off the evils caused by a disadvantageous position of moon in the birth chart. In general, moonstone is worn for squeezing the cooling effect at the time when sun enters in a negative position. As moonstone has all the qualities of pearl, it is worn as the substitute for pearl. Like pearl, moonstone is also associated with the strengthening of mental faculties and maintaining emotional balance. It also helps to maintain the tranquility of your inner self and enhances self control. However there is one difference between the effect of pearl and moonstone. The cooling effect of Moonstone may reach such a point that leaves the wearer exposed to the cold and cough related diseases. That is why, moonstone is advised to be worn along with some other gemstone that is capable of producing enough heat to neutralize the chilling effect of moonstone.

Special powers of different color moonstones

The commonest variety of feldspar (adular), moonstones are found in different shades of color. The chemical amalgamation of calcium, sodium or potassium and aluminum silicate render this stone with different soft and soothing hues that range from colorless to pale white, yellow, or blue. Generally moonstones are transparent, but sometimes the milk-white variety comes with blue or white schillers which give the stone, the effect of moonshine.

Although the calming effects of moonstone do not depend on its color, presence of different tones in the stone are capable of producing extra benefits. The moonstone with a greenish tone ensures a good physical growth, while the black tones help in intellectual developments. The moonstones with white tones add to the spiritual insight. On the other hand, a stone with blue hues have all the above virtues in one.

Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow moonstone is yet another magic of nature. The multiple hues do not only make it look great, its colorful rainbow effects have the power of cleansing your soul and flooding your inside with plenty of positive energy. Like the rainbow it also harmonizes such human qualities as endurance and compassion to make the character emotionally balanced. That makes one confident and creatively inclined.

Moonstone and the Women

One of the most acknowledged fertility crystals, moonstones are believed to play a special role in the lives of the women. A traditional symbol of goddess Moon, it imbibes all the gentle attributes of a caring and sharing mother and wearing moonstone helps to enhance these feminine qualities. Moonstone which is associated with women’s monthly cycles is particularly good for post-menopause women. It is also believed to protect the women during pregnancy and child birth and helps in the process of rebirth. They are also helpful in enhancing feminine energy and intuitive abilities. They solve many gynecological complications relating to obesity, pituitary gland, hormonal misbalance or menstrual problems. A moonstone is also believed to assist in regenerating the tissues and organs of the reproductive system. The moonstone increases the tolerance level and helps to absorb pain and illness.

Moonstone and the male energy

Although, moonstone is traditionally associated with the well being of the women, it may create wonder for the men as well. For the calculative men of the world, moonstones can strike a balance between their heart and the brain. It helps in their emotional expressions and enhances their creativity. Wearing a moonstone helps a man to develop intuitive visions. It helps to improve on their instinct of sacrifice too.

Mystical Powers

Although folklores often lack scientific foundation or myths are short of historical evidence, they have a permanent place in the hearts of people and they have great inspirational values too. It is this belief system that adds to the material value and popularity of the gemstones. For that matter, in eastern, as well as western countries moonstone has always been revered as a stone for rendering clairvoyance and it has also been regarded as a great love booster. A symbol of fertility, moonstone has been recommended for those associated with plantation and cultivation. The people engaged in sea related professions like the sailors or swimmers are also believed to get protection from moonstones. Because of the symbolic connection of moon’s journey through the Zodiac, moonstone is respected as a protective ‘amulate’ for the night travelers. It also protects the children from nightmares and takes care of the nursing mothers.

In general, moonstone spells new beginning and rejuvenation, fosters abundance and replenishment and stands for wisdom and insight.

Adularescence effect in Gemstones

Adularescence effect in Gemstones


The milky, bluish/white sheen named as adularescence in moonstone appears to float along the transparent body. Thus the phenomenon adularescence seems to be move around the body of the stone when it is turned.

Special optical phenomenon is the property of gems which give the distinct identity of gems and add value. Adularescence is such a phenomenon that has been specially seen in moonstone.

A milky sheen or wavy glowing light effect which appears to come from below the surface of the gems is known as adularescence. Orthoclase feldspar named moonstones is the only example which exhibits the true adularescence.

Sometimes, a golden shifting light displayed by certain quartzes and opals in the interior of them is known as “adularescence”. But usually it is called as “girasol” effect.

Adularescence in moonstones

Adularescence of moonstone and Labradorscene of Labradorite are related phenomena and looking similar. Both the gems belong to feldspar family and this is the reason of their similarity.

The milky, bluish/white sheen named as adularescence in moonstone appears to float along the transparent body. Thus the phenomenon adularescence seems to be move around the body of the stone when it is turned.

The name adularescence derives from “adularia”. Because the moonstone which posses the phenomenon mainly historically known as “adularia”.
The most popular color of moonstone is blue, but it also found in gray, white, pink, green and brown etc. normally the nature of moonstone is transparent to translucent.

Traditionally moonstone came from the country Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan moonstone are classical bluish and nearly transparent in nature. They are also found in USA, Australia, Brazil, Myanmar, Madagascar and India. Indian specimen shoe cloudy plays of light with beige brown, brown, orange, green background.

The distinct pearly moon like glowing shimmer of moonstone caused by the reflection of light.

How Adularescence happens?

The structural pattern of the gem is the reason of this distinct optical phenomenon. Moonstone is made up of potassium Aluminium silicate. Adularescence is caused by the layer effect due to presence of tiny inclusions of another feldspar in the host material. Inclusions of sodium feldspar by exclusion in the potassium feldspar create a layer, where thin inner strata of two types of feldspar intermix. Interference effect of light occurs in gems due to these layers. Reflected light scatters equally in all spectral regions and produce a shiller. The colors of the shiller may be white, blue or blue-and orange by this phenomenon. But the valuable as well as desirable color of this shiller is blue, which is usually produced by a white or gray body colored stone. Thin layers help to produce attractive shiller, whereas less attractive whitish shiller produced by thick layers. The size or distance from layer to layer determines the colors we see in many cases.

Unique play of light, which called as adularescence, makes moonstone very special. Cutting is very important for moonstone to show the phenomenon adularescence. The stone must be cut as tall, domed shape, which called as cabochon to exhibit the phenomenon. The exact height of the stone is very essential. Thereafter the axis of the crystal must be located exactly in the zenith of the stone.

Polishing is also important to get the desired effect. A dulled moonstone can be obtained the magical effect of adularescence by the polished in such a way.

Usually, the moonstone are available in transparent to translucent way. But a larger and more transparent stone is more valuable than others. Intensity of the color is also add value to the stone.

The soft, sensuous, mysterious glowing light effect named as adularescence in moonstone gives the stone a feminine character and makes it attractive. Moreover the movement of the stone helps to exhibit the phenomenon adularescence. So, to create the seductive charm of adularescence in moonstone, it requires be wearing and moving a lot.

Actually the astonishing effect of adularescence makes the moonstone seductive, sensuous and highly desired and more valuable.