Amethyst rings buying guide by Suma
Amethyst rings buying guide by Suma
by Suma shreyas
Amethyst is belived to give strength to people struggling with an addiction to drugs or intoxication. Amethyst comes from greek and means ” not drunken”, this was perhaps because of the belief that it wards off the ill- effects of intoxication.
Amethyst- This regal and beautiful stone in all its purple glory claims to have a healing power . There are people who swear by its unique power of blessing them with a sense of peace, spirituallity, pychic intuition after wearing them. It is also said to give strength to people struggling with an addiction to drugs or intoxication. Amethyst comes from greek and means ” not drunken”, this was perhaps because of the belief that it wards off the ill- effects of intoxication. It was even advised to drink out of a chalise made out of Amethyst so that one does not get addicted to alcohal.
There is also an interesting legend that the Greek God of intoxication Dioysius was insulted by a mere mortal, swore revenge on the next mortal to cross his path and created fierce tigers for this purpose. A beautiful young maiden Amethyst came unsuspecing of the horror ahead to pay her respect to Goddess Diana . Diana turned her into a crystalline statue to protect her fron the ferocious tigers and the Gods tears stained the purple crystal form to creat the precious stone Amethyst as it is known today.Amethyst is the birth-stone for Pisceans, Aquarians and Saggitarians. It is also the gem used particularly in the 4th and 6th marriage anniversary. Its rich purple color has always attracted high and mighty and Amethyst has always been a popular gem throughout history. Amethyst figures prominently in British crown jewels and even the Egyptian royal jewellery. It can also be seen widely used in victorian jewellery, which looks outstanding set with diamonds.
Amethyst is also said to promote celibacy, hence was used in church valuables and the holy men of church widely wore amethyst. Buddhist rosary was also made of Amethyst as it was cosidered sacred. It is a very ideal stone for rings and is available in shades of purple, lilac and mauve. So there, one has so many reasons to lure you to this enchanting purple gem- Amethyst apart from it being a beautiful stone by itself.
Amethyst is a Purple coloured crystalline variety of the silican mineral called Quartz. The presence of manganese gives the color purple. However since it is capable of being altered and and even discharged by heat, the color has been referred by some authrities as organic. It is available in various shades of purple depending upon the place from where it comes from.They are usually found in prismatic crystalline form growing on rocks or other exteriors like trees, volcanic rocks. They are found in Mexico, Canada, USA, Africa, Australia, etc. Amethyst is also the mineral emblem of Ontorio in Canada. Itis also the “US State Gemstone ” of South Carolina.
The paler shades of Amethyst is called “Rose de France”.Amethyst can be cleaned with warm soap water using a soft bristled brush. Amethyst is usually cut in a brilliant round cut to bring out its rich colour in all its glory and to sometimes hide the unequal distribution of color. It has a hardness of 7. On being exposed to heat gem turns yellowish.
Deep purple is considered to be most valuable especially with rose flashes. Amethyst is found in various calibrated sizes and shapes. If it were not so abundantly available it would have been an expensive gem.
So wide spread is the faith in its healing power that people all over the world believe that it exudes health and protects its wearer from over-indulgence. It’s rich color, lustre and hardness has made it such a popular gem throughout ages.